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Monarch Masquerade
by on February 12, 2018
Hello all this is a quick message that'll tell you all about my home and the ponies that live there,bear in mind that I do not know everypony I meet so please be patient with me.
The first pony is Glitter Brightstar *sigh* where do I begin on this one, well for starters she is the result of swapping Twilight and Pinkie Pie's personality traits so she's incredibly hyper and has magic to boot even worse is that she's fully aware of things that even I myself have trouble trying to comprehend, *sigh* but I digress she may be a nuisance but she's our nuisance.
The second is Pinkamina Dianne Pie or simply "Dianne Pie" for short is the exact opposite of what most ponies would expect from a Pinkie Pie counterpart, however that doesn't mean she's boring in fact she's far from it, her knowledge of pony history is impressive and her stories are a welcome addition to my own personal collection of history books over the years that I've lived, oh I'm rambling aren't I? I'd best move on.
Next up is the Captain of the Wonderbolts Phoenix Firewing or "Mile High" Fluttersky to those who know her personally, she is incredibly loyal and is also really quick, however she will never show off as she see ponies that do as jerks who don't deserve the respect that they've gained by those means, I'm not one to judge her ways but I believe that those ponies should get a chance to explain themselves.
Now then on to her friend Prism Shine, she is one of my favorite's out the "Shifted Six" and is really kind, unfortunately that's all I know of her, well other than the fact that she's the result of swapping Rainbow Dash's and Fluttershy's personality traits.
Next up is Jeweled Apple otherwise know as Applegem, she is a counterpart of Applejack who happens to live an entirely opposite life than that of her counterpart, she is not as dramatic as most ponies believe though, she is actually very calm under pressure.
Last up is Quartz Bell, she is a hardy farmer and the result of swapping Rarity and Applejack, because of this she is a rather competitive sort and enjoy doing all kind of physical activities that her counterpart wouldn't dream of doing.
I could tell you more but I might bore you so I'm ending this message here it has been nice writing to you all and I hope you've all good, Farewell- Prince Polaris Solarmoon
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