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by on February 20, 2018
Current Status: Alive, In hiding.
Disclaimer: Still in development, will be added on as story(s) progress.
This is an Alternate universe of Equestria where Shadowbolts are a criminal organization. Not a fleet of acrobatic flyers, or embodiment illusions of Nightmare moon's magic.

Oonski holds the Underboss title in the hitman organization Shadowbolts. Running both his division gang, Rill Rill to protect the Kingpin, his father Showstopper. In addition, operates the underground black market and Casino in the mountains entitled Coalminers. His whereabouts are currently unknown due to a targeting search warrant out for his arrest in the City of Baltimare. This coming by discovering tons of Poison Joke converted into an illegal substance, suspect of the assassination of a political figure, and the multiple accounts of missing citizens. This case conducted by a Baltimare Police Detective, Sergeant Rocking Solo. Determined to fulfill his father's manifesto, Oonski, and his 6 Lieutenants go through the dangerous and life-threatening trials of expanding the Shadowbolts presence as the 'Extension of Nightmare Moon' of Equestria.
According to past Wonderbolt Cadet records, is stated that Oonski is shorter than the average stallion (In height equivalence to Princess Twilight Sparkle), with large defined hind haunches provides a powerful galloping gate and excellent take off in an acceleration of speed. This makes him the fastest flier in his former recruited fleet before his dishonorable discharge. In the follow up of records he was known to have his mane un-uniformed with a close buzzed cut of most of his mane, only having brushel spots on the crown of his head and the back bundled into a ponytail. Occasionally, would have a pungent odor of sweat and even blood due to his lack of hygiene that officers would have to warn him on numerous debriefings.
With those habits taken into account now appropriately grooms, of course, dealing with the mass of powerful economic and political individuals should maintain a cleanly appearance. Over the years, the stallion has undergone some physical cosmetic damage. Mainly with his eyes, one being dilated to such a state it has never relaxed to normal focus. All due to his drug pushing abuse with both Antidepressants and his own supply of Poison Joke. If ever asked about this, he normally diverts with a lie with...
"Yeah? This was a result of a Heart-attack when I was an Undergrad! Ay I was never a healthy eater, ya feel me~? Those Chilli cheese fries mountain high were delicious, and I'd say 'worth' a clogged artery, heh."
In addition to physical changes, his mouth, particularly his teeth have pieces that are chipped and even missing. This is the result of roughhousing with his members in play fights, as well a guest. As for his outfit, wears the compress uniform of the Shadowbolt squadron; wearing a bomber jacket with a shoulder patch entitled "Rill Rill." A saying he recites to oblivious or defeated assailants about the "Real World." and the dangers of 'placing a hoof in a lion's mouth'.
Soon to be added!!!!!
Disclaimer: Heavy Read.
Born into wealth, most of Oonski's life has been spoiled and enriched with endless amounts of pampering, luxury, and years of endless comfort. His father, Showstopper, a businessman in the entertainment industry along with other business consultants such as Filthy Rich, Deep Pockets, and Roulette have been the catalyst of establishing the City of Baltimare. Partaking in prestigious schools and the labyrinth of connections, Oonski was handed a silver platter of his life and the role he would eventually fill when coming of age. Though, a child that was poshed in arrogant confidence also lived a life of blissful ignorance of the gritty grayscale landscape of life. This identity of innocence was what his mother Contrapossto did whatever she could to protect him from Showstopper's gangster mentality and behaviors, but would eventually change his personality for the worst. And during those years of adolescence would he gain the reputation of 'The Terrible' and thus, becoming this persona to this day. Showstopper would tend to cover up Oonski's discipline issues with bribery and 'donations' for school funding just to keep the young colt enrolled. His snarkiness became ruder over the years, drastic emotional changes and phases so sporadically, even to the point he assaulted and attacked a classmate nearly beating them to death with a chair over stealing the affections of someone of interest to him. This was when the school board would draw the line on saving face to Oonski, yet with 'Dirty Money' being the way of being the 'best' mask. He was given a soft sentence yet would still place for punishment of serving 6 months at the Baltimare Juvenile Detention Center with physiatric testing. Given to his high rank in society would have 'provisions' of exemptions such as parental surveillance leave with Showstopper.
► Rest for the Wicked
In the weekly surveillance with his father, most of the time these so-called "Productive changes to regain sanity" was just allowing his young son to partake in learning how to conduct 'business'. At first, they were light, easy, and murder free task such as 'Money laundering', stealing money and distributing routing through banks, shareholding, real estate. But those list of activities grew more explicit as Oonski aged as well participated in. Overtime in his return to the facility and throughout testing, doctors concluded that Oonski was diagnosed with ASPD(Antisocial personality disorder) and highly recommend him to be transferred into a ward for proper control and treatment. This is when Contrapossto would take initiative in divorcing Showstopper and gaining full custody of her son. Pained in this process in destroying the family, they began to live their separate lives. Moving to Cloudsdale and enrolled in the Wonderbolt Academy and Showstopper, returning to his investments.
► New leaf/ Old Roots.
Out of sight, and influence of his father made drastic changes to his mindset. Life was slow, quiet, and steady. And turning at 19 began to return to his more softer side. Oonski worked as a Part-time maintenance crew of the rain machines at the Rainbow Factory. As well, devoted to school to become a Wonderbolt. This newfound sense of goals gave Contrapossto relief that her son would now live a safe responsible life. And to that, it did, for awhile. Decorated with awards for his achievements, and traveling with the acrobat fleet; his name grew with fame. It was until he returned back to Baltimare to perform a halftime show in a sporting event would he meet his father for the first time in 7 years. And within the week of staying in the city, his 'habits' returned more harshly. Missing practice runs, oversleeping, assaulting behavior, and questioning authority. Though a success of the show once returning to Cloudsdale, he was suspended until further notice only to eventually lead to a Dishonorable Discharge.
Even in the series of unfortunate events, kept the rouse from his mother and even convincing her that he would be planning on moving, to where he kept that disclosed from her and playing it off as friendly banter. But, she agreed to his wishes and soon Oonski would return back to Balitmare in reuniting with his father. And apparently, things have changed. A turf war was brewing among the Commonwealth of million and billionaires and Showstopper now a painted target with his new supply of 'product' he was pushing as well the opening of a Casino built inside a cave for high dealer individuals. He was now running an empire without an army, and to do so would lead him into an inevitable defeat by 'death'. And this so-called fleet would be born out of a 'Fairytale'. Urban Legend of Nightmare Moon and the embodiments of her magic, The Shadowbolts.
► Rill Rill/ The Coalminer Raid (Pt.1)
Soon to be added..
18 people like this.
Princess Luna
//he's huge
Like March 20, 2018
//Only cause I like drawing 'BIG'. If reading description, he's actually small.
Like March 20, 2018
Best fucking boy.
Like September 19, 2019