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Prince Carey
by on February 22, 2018
The Krambrov
[warning the wrighter intented this to just be an fun piece of litture of to read for enjoyment perpous only, it's not to intented to offend, be realgous or state any fact reguarding evolution. It just an story meant to be satdown and to read if you are unable to grasp fact from fiction then please move on other wise keep on reading.]
In the beginning was nothingness and nothingness begot the void; The void begot space and time. However inside the void became an enity known as Chaos, from Chao's mouth came forth fire. From this fire became Earth, however from the fires of Chaos on earth came forth an race of beings known has the Jinn. The Jinn praised and warshipped Chaos.
However outside space and time cameforth an Giant Moth known has Vishnu and ridding on the moth was two beings known as Justice and Order; These where the first childern of God. The moth flew towards earth and has it flew its wings flaned the flames, has it did so the Jinn began to die; The Jinn prayed to Chaos but Chaos didn't heed their prayer.
So the Jinn died out and the moth landed on a desolt earth,when Justice and Order saw this they wept. From their tears came forth the vast oceans and rivers; Also came forth meany greenthings and vegitation. When Chaos saw all that had tooken place he was displeased, so he created snake humanoids in order to destory the two beings.
However when one of the snake humanoids went close to the water they saw how ugly they where so they wept, they prayed to chaos so they can become more appealing to look at but Chaos didn't grant them their prayer; However when Order and justice saw this they transformed them. From the viper came forth man but due to his scales he was rough on his back,hands and feet.
From the guardening snake came forth woman and unlike the man she was smoothed and very beauitful, however due to the forked tongue they couldn't not tell from telling lies. When Chaos saw this he was despleased so he had his snake humanoids to attack the two beings but to only be turned into the first dinosours by Justice and order;Which only to be destoryed by Chaos.
Now the earth was empty when Justice and Order saw this they asked God for the power of creation, God told them in order to have the power of creation they must enfuse themselfs with the fires of the Jinn. So Justice and order found the Fires of the Jinn then enfused themselfs with it; From this they became one and from this became one being known as Pacifica.
She had no marks or blimishes from the fires for she was an child of God,so she went forth and created every living animal of everykind. Years latter Humans populated the earth and became Lord of the fields and King of the beast; When Chaos saw this he was despleased so he introduced courrption into the hearts of the humans.
He introduced Greed,wrath,sloth,envy,gluttony,lust and finally pride; However man didn't repent so Pacifica left her childern for they where full of courrption and in doing so handed them as well as the earth over to Chaos, but still man didn't repent because of this God was angry. He told Pacifica he was going to flood the earth in order to destory the courrption known as sin.
Pacifica pleaded with her father so she can save one rightous man and woman as well as some animals then place them on an island free of courrption, God aggreed only if Pacifica promised to never again enterfear with his wrath; Pacifica promised and went forth and found an man name Eijah and his woman named Lizah, she told them what her father was going to do.
So she placed them as well as two of everykind of animal on an island free of courrption, after this came the flood; Pacifica trapped Chaos in an bottle then threw him deep into the sea so he may never again force enfulance on the world nor any living being. After this God was sadden so he asked Pacifica to once again fill the earth full of life and wonder once again.
So she did so and once again the earth filled with life and wonder, after all of this was done Pacifica stepped aside to watch history take its course on the world that she created aswell as her childern known as humans.
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