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Celtic Cross
by on March 13, 2018
Dear Princesses,
Over the past few years, I've had a variety of life experiences that have changed me, formed who I am at my core. One of the most important lessons I've learned is that love is everywhere, and takes many different forms. When I was younger, I mistook romantic love as true love itself, which is not the case at all. Even when we feel like we're at our lowest points and feel alone and forsaken, Love is always there, in different forms. In friendship, in memories, even connections that no longer exist offer us comfort. Love is always there, and the depth of it all has the potential to sweep all darkness aside.
Your Loyal Servant,
3 people like this.
Princess Luna
Yes this is good
Like March 13, 2018
Celtic Cross
"Merci, belle Reine."
Like March 13, 2018
"I see."
Like March 13, 2018
Creamy Canvas
Why can't I view your profile?
Like August 17, 2018
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Creamy Canvas
Every time this happens and I don't notice, I always feel like I got Blocked
Like August 17, 2018
Celtic Cross
Ah... nope, not blocked.
Like August 17, 2018
Creamy Canvas
could i at least have my pending request done please
Like August 17, 2018