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Horse Apples
by on March 17, 2018
'The Icarus Twins'
'Twin angels'
Formerly Simon and Esther Icarus.
They were humans once. Even followers of God, in their own ways. Simon was a Pastor and Esther a Biophysics major with a government research grant. Now, sadly, these folks were rather morally... Grey to start out with and they absorbed a lot of the wrong ideas from their religious teachings. It wasn't long before they both became enthralled on the idea of Godhood, and obtaining it. They soon became fixated on Gateway of the Mind Experiments, after many 'failed' attempts at self-administered surgeries and deals with creatures of... Questionable faith. It wasn't long before they thought it necessary for such an experiment to be carried out for their own goals. So, yes, they both took away their own senses. It was... Not pleasant. They ended up dying from their botched attempt.
However, thanks to their previous bartering for godhood, they were cursed with just the opposite. You know, those demon folk love their cruel irony. Now, these awful creatures muck about the world, often searching out folks of faith in a twisted, unjust sense of scorn that they harbor for their former faith.
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Lana Avalon
Like March 17, 2018