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Prince Carey
by on March 25, 2018
"So shall it be in the end when mankind shall be depraved in self morality and chasing after their own worldy desires, so Pacifica shall then unleash chaos."
It was an typical day in America and typical American families are getting up and going to work, which is like wise across the world. However then suddenly the sky becomes dark and suddenly the forces of nature are unleashed like an hurricane, an torrent of thunder and lightening strikes in varies places of the world fallowed by force winds registering in one hundred miles, fallowed by earth quakes some powerful enough to tare down the wonders that mankind has built for themselves.
When the destruction is all but over it leaves people speechless and powerless,meany of the worlds government is left without answers however it doesn't take long for age old rivalries to reserface and finally blame is rested souly on them,while meany of the worlds religions try to make sense of the chaos brought however even this is given no clear answers.
Farly soon conflict is being raged in verous places of the earth, the nations of the world are acused of having super weapons to inflict the damage. lives are ruined,famines torn asunder by the fall out, then each nations economy is effect sense the war is effecting the market and more people see this as an opportunity to leech off the less fortunate.
How quickly society falls apart and the rabid animals are exposed and layed bare, however soon out of the ocean shall awaken the kaiju,weaken by the conflicts that have ravaged the planet. age old religion fall apart, old alignments and friendships are forgotten.
People are searching for a savoir as the Kaiju are left unchallenged this shall remain for seven and half ten years.
After seven and ten years have had passed there shall be the false prophet and he shall say."Where are your Gods,where are your gloruis monuments that litter the landscape and where is your secuirty does your family eat well or do you work for a mouthful of bread. I am the father of nations! i have shown you my power for i am Pacifica!" the false prophet shall then do battle with the Kauiju and shall be victorous, more shall the false prophet shall defile Pacificas name and he shall defile her holy isle of Fukuhara Azuma.
There the false Prophet shall bing forth chaos and procliam him to be God, for time inmemoriam chaos had no form however Chaos shalll have form and a name;His name shall be cthulhu. He alone shall recive warship for he shall declare himself to be the ultimate creator of the universe. The people shall warship him giving prasies,honor,love to him.
In that hour Pacifica shall appear as an warror maiden in the midset of setting sun, her eyes blazing full of fierry and hearth full of justice. She shall then issue her final challange to chaos."How long must you pretend to be a God?! you are nothing more then a profaned creature, defiling my island!,my people and my creation. If you wish to be God then little demi God come and take the fire of the Jin from my lanturn, but you shall not have it without a fight!"
Chaos shall retort"I am the ruler of this world and the undesputed ruler of all things, from my enpty void space and time was my thought, from my throught formed chaos! from chaos the world was born, from my persance fire was born, from my fires the Jenn where born to warship me!; from my scortched earth the earth i formed snake men! then you made humans..." he says looking down up his warshipers.
"Simple minded,greedy,wrathful,prideful,envous,slothful, prideful and gloutiness creatures.. Hand them over to me and i shall let you rule over all of creation by my side." His voice echos like a lightening stormquaking through the air, for awhile that would seem like hours just them staring down eachother then pacifica shall raise her laturn and chaos shall come down to his knee bowing to Pacifica as he groans in pain.
Pacifica shall look at him then lifts her sword and slices the sea bed under him and throw him down into Deca where he shall remain for eternity, as Chaos decends with the sea under him he shall transform once again into a great sea serpant known to the world as the levithan, as he decends the water shall boil under him and around him. The splashing of his tail shall cause Tsunimies,tidle waves and the very heat shall cause fire to rain down.
Once he is in the earth shall close swollowing him, Pacifica shall then address this time a dead world, a baren world it shall be this. Her worlds shall be this."I am the mother who never stopped loving her childern,but my childern have gone astray and in my anger i have unleshed evil upon them."
She shall be like this alone once again in time in space for this is how the world began and this is how the world be at the end,shrouded in darkness and nothing remaining but Pacifica and God.
For awhile Pacifica stood quite in the midist of the destruction and ruined earth, not a living animal or creature was alive; Darkness covered the face of the sky no moon or sun gave light or warmth, the stars where no where in the eternial night time sky. The land scape was litter with ruins of the past as both fire,water and earth hidden some of these buildings; It was an hellish sight to behold for any living thing to behold, human remains also littered the once perfect world along with the animals that use to inhabit it.
Then God broke the silance as his voice boomed like thunder and echoed like a horn for all to hear. "Who formed the world,who brought everything into existance and who moved the montins into their places? Was it chaos who now is banished to Deca?; Fools i created everything that once was and all that will be! I am God the undesputed ruler of all things! You humans have oppsed me and chased after an mere idle now look at you because of your vices and moral courrptions you now litter the world that I made and so shall you remain forever!"
Pacifica's eyes watered as she bowed down onto the earth and cried out."Forgive them father for they where descived into fallowing a lie rather then live in harmony with all things, let me recreate the world but fill it only with animals and let my childern in paradice."
for awhile God was silent he didn't want the currption of the old world to inhabit where he was present however he then thought of the inocenent those that headed Pacifica's plea to live in harmony with all things could he really punish them for the mistakes of meany? no he was a just God and he wouldn't allow this to be the untimate fate of humankind, so once again God called to his child Pacifica.
"restore them, restore the earth and all that lived on it but however this comes at a price to do this you must free the fires of the jin for it is the fires of creation that truly holds this power but you shall no longer have a pysical form you'll be like me but you and your faithful childern shall have an place in my paradice.
however those unfaithful and full of corruption mustn't be allowed where i am so they to must be banished along with chaos in Deca.."
So Pacifica for once in her eternial life was silent her childern will no longer enhabbit the earth but the animals and creatures will finally live in harmony as well as her childern in a perfect bliss that isn't full of emtpy promises or illusions.
Pacifica closed her eyes as she began to sing summoning the full power of creation as her voice rang out in a wonderful tune of creation.
when Pacifica was finsihed with her song her power surged from her body as fire once again engulfed the world in a cleansing rain however instead of bringing ruin and more destruction whatever the fire touched began to live again, soon the sky turn blue and life began to flurish again, however when everything was settled and the fire was gone the world returned to its priminal state but this time with no humans to enterfear with harmony, as promised Pacifica and her childern had a place with God
while those who sought chaos and disorder, will forevermore labor in Deca.
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