Friendship Letters
Morning sun begins to shine on ponyville, Fluttershy's rooster begins to crow at the sun. Ponys begin leaving their homes to go to work and children begin going to school. Rainbow Dash is seen Flying to Fluttershy's cottage to tell her about the event the WonderBolts are setting up.
By the time Rainbow Dash arrives Rarity already left shy's home to go back to her boutique to work.
Fluttershy: At this time, she had just finished her morning routine of feeding the animals throughout her home and yard. She had been surprised to see Dash suddenly come into her home unannounced
"Oh my! I wasn't expecting you at this hour. Aren't you usually sleeping in?"
Rainbow: "Don't tell me you've forgotten, Shy. Today’s the big Wonderbolts sporting event! There's gonna be big fans there celebrating and everything!"
Fluttershy: "What? That event was today! It completely slipped my mind."
Rainbow: "Well let's get a move on then! No point in standing around here."
Had gotten behind Fluttershy and was already nudging her forward much to Flutter's surprise
Fluttershy: "Huh? R-right now! Okay okay, Dash. No need to shove."
With that they both had flown off to the outskirts of Ponyville where the event had taken place. Every official member of the Wonderbolts was there sporting their uniforms. Ponies had gathered around getting autographs and having their pictures taken with the famous flyers of Equestria.
The familiar armored figure lands near them causing a bit of a ruckus as ponys sees him scared but also wowed at his presence.
Rainbow: Had just suited up in her Wonderbolts uniform. She spots the iron clad pony and nudges to Shy
"Woah! Get a load of this guy!"
Fluttershy: Had looked over to where he had landed and stood frozen with her mouth agape having been reminded of the events of last night. Speaking of which, she wanted to tell Dash all of what happened, but she didn't feel like wanting to bother just yet. Another time perhaps.
???) He sees fluttershy and dash as he then walks to them as his tails sway left to right silently as the sounds of his armor clanks.
Fluttershy: Partially hid her face behind her mane while looking rather timidly at the approaching stallion. Although this pony did save her and her friend, he was still very mysterious, especially in that intimidating looking armor
Rainbow: "Ah heya there! Liking the armor! Is that legit battle armor, or some kind of cosplay you're going for. Either way it looks super awesome!"
???) looks at rainbow dash and then shy and bows to her as his wings unfold "Thank you for telling your friend that i'm no threat"
Fluttershy: "Hmm? Oh... umm you're... welcome. It's uh n-nice to see you again."
Rainbow: "Wait, what's he talking about? Do you two know each other?
Looks at Shy and the stallion quizzically"
???) "lets just say i helped her"...looks at rainbowdash "who are you supposed to be?"
Rainbow: "Name's Rainbow Dash! The one and only elite flyer of the Wonderbolts! It's understandable if you haven't heard of me. I'm still working my way up there. Who might you be?"
???) "Best I don't say my name as of now.....but I have seen you in a your the fastest mare huh?...very interesting" he puts his hoof on were his chin would be.
Rainbow: "Weeeell when you're as awesome as me, you tend to do some pretty amazing things."
???) "just don’t let your arrogance get ahead of you miss Dash" he stands tall towering them.
Rainbow: "I wouldn't say arrogant. More so some mean pride. And with mean pride, you gotta have a mean, mean stride. Anyway, so what's with the armor?"
???) "this armor is the uniform of my regiment....Ares Squadron" speaks as he doesnt mind sharing alien info on his culture
Rainbow: "Can't say I've ever seen or heard of a group of ponies wearing such awesome armor as yours."
???) chuckles a bit and looks at Fluttershy "well...I am new here"
Fluttershy: She'd have explained everything to Rainbow Dash about now, but she didn't to mention about this pony being from another planet out in public. For now she just looked on at this peculiar extraterrestrial in armor and stayed quiet.
Rainbow: As in new to Equestria? Aah I gotcha. Where are you from?
???) " a lot" he responds to Dash
a Drunk pegasus from shy and dash's filly days walks to the armored pony stumbling
Drunk pony) "h-hey what are doing here wearing that piece of junk on you?...talking to these 2 mares..." he says then hiccups
???) "this is why i don’t drink alcohol"... he says annoyed.
Drunk pony) well this is a wonderbolt event! And since your obviously not one of them can just leave!
Drunk) "looks at rainbow dash and fluttershy hey...are you that...Klutzershy and Rainbow crash from our old school?"
Rainbow: "What?! No! I'll have you know it's Rainbow Dash! And this is Fluttershy."
Fluttershy: Had looked down at the ground as her ears folded back. That name still gave her bad memories as a filly
???) see's this and looks at the drunk pony staring him at eyes and speaks in a angered but calm tone "sir...your gonna have to apologize to these"
Drunk) "w-why would i apologize to losers like those two"?
???) "funny....because I see a very big.."loser" here"
Drunk) "wh-what did you call me"?
???) "Loser a person or thing that loses or has lost something, especially a game or co-"
Drunk) "hraaagh!" punches the armored pony's face hitting the helmet breaking his hoof in the process and falls on the floor "AAAHHH BUCK BUCK"
large pony’s heard the scream and watch this go down.
???) his tail then grabs the broken hoof of the drunk pony squeezing it harder and harder "now apologize to the two..."
Drunk) "s-sorry R-rainbow Dash! Sorry Klu- i mean Flu-Fluttershy! AAAAHHHHH" feels his broken hoof getting crushed as his broken bones starts snapping more and more
???) "there....was that so hard?...." he lets go of his hoof as the drunk pony crawls away to head to a hospital.
Rainbow: "Heha! Wow! You really showed him."
Fluttershy: Perks up and looks to the armored stallion with a gentle smile
"I appreciate you standing up for us like that. It's no surprise that you know how to fight."
???) "its nothing...i just can’t stand bullies....and since a 7 year old colt has its benefits"
Rainbow: "Since 7?! You must be a real tough guy are ya?" Makes me want to see just what you look like underneath all that armor.
???) "that can be taken out of context...but yeah um...i had a mentor since i was 7 and it took 7 years to complete the secret and difficult but we pulled it off in the end"
Rainbow: "H-hey! I didn't mean it like that you know. Just saying you must be looking like a strong tough warrior pony who is super buff."
???) "well...i do cardio so I don’t look like a tank..." puts his hoof on his head
Rainbow: "Uh-huh. I'd have to see that for myself to believe. I mean that thing you're wearing must weigh a ton for you to just wear it around. Don't even think you'd be flying too fast in that bulky armor."
???) "well...we have to see when i race ya to get the reward bits"
Rainbow: "So you're entering in the race huh? I'd sure like to see just how fast you can really go. But I don't think I'll be able to see you since I'll already be far ahead of the pack."
She said to him teasingly
???) "we'll see Dash...we'll see" he then looks at shy "your...a really quiet mare"
Fluttershy: "Oh! W-well... I'm just a bit quiet when it comes to speaking to ponies I haven't met. I mean... my name is Fluttershy after all."
Looks up into those red eyes of his
???) "it’s understandable...i mean...looking like this....would freak out others"
Rainbow: "I thought you two already knew each other."
Fluttershy: "W-w-we only met once! And it was very brief. Y-yes..."
She nodded and looked down at the ground with shifty eyes
Rainbow: "Ooookay. I'll just leave you two to catch up then. I gotta prepare myself with some stretching, maybe do some autographs, Wonderbolts business stuff. I'll catch you at the race, iron pony!"
She trotted off and a crowd of fans and pony’s had followed her
???) looks at shy and makes sure others won’t hear their conversation "so umm...tell me about this world.."
Fluttershy: Had lowered her voice in case somepony had been listening in
"Y-you're... you're asking me? Uh sure. Anything in particular you'd like to know?"
???) "history,creatures,landmarks,capital,factions, anything."
Fluttershy: "Oh my... that would take a really long time for me to go over. I can tell you some of the basic things. Like um, the town you're in is called Ponyville."
Gave a timid smile
???) "hmmm....interesting....and sure is...self explanatory" he then gives a remark to Angel "is....that um...little creature okay?"
Fluttershy: Perks up and nods enthusiastically
"Angel Bunny? Ooh yes yes! He's very much unharmed. Thanks so much for saving us from those... um..."
???) "They are called shadowlings....vile monsters....all they know is violence...just be glad i got rid of them before they call help.."
???) "yah....there are..." looks at the sky then down
Fluttershy: "I was afraid you were going to say that. So in a way there is an alien invasion happening."
???) "Dont pretty sure i killed their scouts....they shouldn’t be anytime about um....if i live here in ponyville but promise me that you won’t tell anypony that...ok?"
Fluttershy: "I can try and keep it a secret. Though Twilight, Rarity, and Spike saw you as well. My friends who you saw at the Everfree Forest."
???) "well...they wont know my real face...or name"
Fluttershy: "And... you're trusting me with all that information?"
???) " don’t know my real face or name I even have a Voice filter."
Fluttershy: "True, but I'd like to know who you are if you do end up moving here. Just so I know Ponyville is in good hooves. I promise to keep it a secret."
Looks at him with pleading eyes
???) "u-um thank you fluttershy..."
Fluttershy: "You're very welcome. Also if there's anything else you want to know about this planet, you're free to go to Twilight's library in the castle over there. She's the purple alicorn you saw. And the princess of friendship by the way. Actually Equestria has multiple princesses."
???) "a-again thank you for the information..." he says as he has no other words to quite say.
Fluttershy: "I'm a bit curious about where it is you're from. I'd like to hear about it when you have time."
???) "i'll tell you more...but in meantime I need to set up a new home...."
Fluttershy: "Of course. Good luck in the race by the way. I'll be rooting for you... well you and Dash. She's still my friend after all."
???) chuckles from her words "heheh know you shouldn’t let others pick on you like that"
Fluttershy: "I know. Being assertive and standing up for myself is very hard at times. I've been trying very hard to not be such a pushover for a long time..."
Her ears fold as she looks down
???) he tilts his head and feels sympathy "It can be hard to stand up for yourself....I had issues with it myself....others would...pick on me for my looks..."
Fluttershy: "R-really? I mostly picked on when I was younger because I wasn't really a good flyer."
???) "not everypony is perfect" mother once told me that...When i was a wee little kid....other kids in school would be too afraid to talk to me especially when i look at them in the eyes...the only ones that ever did talk to me properly is my sister....and my mentor..."
???) "i guess after that....i try my best to prove i can be the kindest i can works....sometimes"
Fluttershy: "If it's one thing I try my best to be, is to shown kindness onto others. I guess it's why I was chosen to represent the element of kindness. But that's an entirely different story."
???) "element of kindness huh?...i'd like to see that" he says curiously about the mare
Fluttershy: "My friends and I represent what are called the elements of harmony. The others are loyalty, generosity, laughter, honesty, and magic. You've already loyalty which is Dash. As well as Rarity being generosity and magic being Twilight."
???) "interesting....heheh....i guess that drunk pony is truly the real loser trying to talk you down.."
Fluttershy: "Hehe... maybe so. But still, we're not better than most ponies. We're kind of famous, but we're still just ponies after all."
???) "i know that feeling..."
Fluttershy: "Sounds to me like we have a bit in common don't we? Never thought I'd be saying that to someone from another planet."
Smiles at him as her ears perked up
???) "heh...same sure aren’t acting as shy as i thought lady "Fluttershy" his tone sounds positive likes he’s smiling behind that intimidating helmet
Fluttershy: "Ehehe! Guess that means I've already warmed up to you huh? It would be nice to know what you really look like though. You don't have any... odd features that make you different from the ponies here do you? J-just asking since you're from another planet and all..."
???) he then shows his 3 tails to her as they look like he can control all 3 like a tentacle or lizards tail but oddly still looks pony like.
Fluttershy: "Oh! Is that it? It's not all that noticeable... I think. Still very unique though"
???) "from what it looks...scanning your can’t control your tail like mine"
Fluttershy: "Shakes her head
Pony tails don't work that way here. I mean... unless you're Pinkie Pie. But she's capable of doing a lot of strange unexplainable things."
???) "hmm interesting...and um sorry..saying that made it looked like i was checking you out...." he says a bit embarrassed
Fluttershy: "Oh i-it's fine. I mean as long as you weren't looking over my entire body with whatever technology you have in that helmet."
Her cheeks went red
???) looks away embarrassed "u-uh...y-yah...d-don’t worry....just...the tail..."
Fluttershy: "Anyway, have you already entered yourself for the race? You have to sign up after all before going to compete."
???) "your right...any clue where it's booth is?"
Fluttershy: "If I recall, the sign-ups are at Soarin's booth. I'll take you straight over there."
???) "thank you! uh..lead the way!"
Fluttershy walks beside him through the gathering of ponies. Many of which give astonished and amazed looks at the pony in armor.The armored pony he looks at the ponys with visor still glowing red even scaring some kids in the process.Soon enough has taken him to the booth where Soarin is sitting at. After waiting in a brief line of course.
???) "hmm hope this line is quick.."
Soarin: Couple minutes of line waiting and Soarin looks up to Shy and the armored pony with an astounded look
"Woah-ho! So you must be the pony everypony has been talking about. That armor sure is something to behold!"
???) "um...yah...armor can...freak others out"
Soarin: "Looks pretty cool to me. Aah and Fluttershy is here too? What brings you both here? Come for an autograph?"
???) puts his metal covered hoof on the desk "I come here to join the race"
Soarin: "What? For reals?"
Looks at him blinking a few times
Fluttershy: "He's been practicing and training really hard for this as a matter of fact."
???) "why yes...I have...just because i wear this thing doesn’t mean i'll be slowed down.."
Soarin: "Heh... if you say so. I still think it looks very heavy and bulky. But whatever works for you." he takes out a clipboard with the sign-in sheet and sets it down in front of him
???)uses his tail to pick up a pen signing in as "The Armored Stallion"
Soarin: Looks rather baffled that he signed with his tail. He takes the clipboard and looks at it with a nod
"Thank you! Looking forward to seeing you compete"Armored Stallion". The race will be starting in about an hour."
???) "very well I-" his stomach growls as he's very hungry "I will need to get food..."
Fluttershy: "It's probably been a while since you've eaten, hasn't it? There are plenty of food carts around here fortunately."
???) "I don’t think i have any currency with me" he says to Fluttershy
Fluttershy: "Don't worry. I've brought plenty of bits with me. It will be my treat for last night."
With a gentle smile she walks with him to where the food stands are
???) " thanks...never had a mare treat me food before except for my sis when i won some bets..." he walks with her then sees the food "woah..."
Fluttershy: "Your sister. She seems really nice."
There are stands selling all sorts of foods as well as baked goods the small of it ender through the armored stallion's helmet going to his nose.
???) he goes to a stand that are selling muffins "oh yeah...she’s awesome..." he looks at all the flavors "hmmm interesting"
Fluttershy: "A muffin does sound good right now."
Looks up at the gray, blonde mare with askered eyes.
"Excuse me, we'll have two muffins. I'll have a blueberry muffin. What kind would you like?"
Looks over to him
???) "I....suppose i'll have....chocolate?" reads one of the labels
Fluttershy: Takes out four bits, paying the mare, who gives a delighted grin and sets down two deliciously baked muffins into a basket before giving it to Fluttershy
"Thanks so much!" Fluttershy says.
???) bows to the derpy mare "um thanks!"
Fluttershy: Carries the basket in her mouth and walks to a shady tree out in the open. She sits herself down
"I take it you don't have muffins where you're from do you?"
???)following her and sits down in front of her " we eat mostly fruits....and....vegetables....and fungus"
Fluttershy: "Oh okay! We eat those here too. Along with the occasional baked goods."
She takes the blueberry muffin and takes a bite of it. Chewing on it gleefully
???)he looks around making sure nopony is looking and the mouthpiece of armor opens revealing his mouth and he picks up his chocolate flavor muffin and slowly takes a bites and chews. stop as the muffin is in his mouth and stays silent "........"
Fluttershy: Looks at him quietly, watching the reaction on his face. Or more so just his mouth
???) "mmmmmm!" he jumps excitedly and starts wolfing down his muffin clearly enjoying it like he’s never tasted a good meal such as that.
Fluttershy: Watches, astonished as he chows it down with such passion and admiration
"Oh my! I didn't think you would love it that much."
She giggles lightly while resuming to eat her muffin
???)finishes his muffin in seconds as his mouth is now covered in crumbs "!"
Fluttershy: "She makes some of the most delicious muffins too. Also if you loved muffins, you'll definitely love all the other treats Equestria has to offer."
Gives him a napkin to wipe his mouth
???) " im very curious about this planet's food" starts to wiping his mouth accepting the napkin
Fluttershy: Takes her time finishing up her muffin
"I'd go to Sugarcube Corner if you ever want some more delici baked goods. My friend Pinkie Pie makes some of the best."
???) "i'll keep that in mind Fluttershy" looks at the other wonderbolts in the distance "so i take these flyers are very famous"
Fluttershy: "Yes they are. They're Equeatria's elite flyers. As well as heroes of Equestria"
???) "Sounds like a bunch of hot shots reminds me if the Helios Squadron back at my home planet"
Fluttershy: "They sure are. Which is why Dash has always dreamed of joining them. She's one of the newest members of the group."
???) "very fascinating...." he looks at her cutie mark with interest "I take that those marks mean you gain through a certain talent right?"
Fluttershy: "Why yes! My cutie mark shows that I'm good at understanding animals and being able to communicate with them. They have cutie marks where you're from, don't they?"
???) "yah...but where i come from we call them Talent Marks....yours is really nice...talking to animals seems like a great talent!"
Fluttershy:" Mmhm! I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. I just have a love and compassion for all critters big and small."
???) "you know i have a side hobby of lear-"
"OK EVERYPONY WHO SIGNED UP TO RACE THE WONDERBOLTS! GO TO THE TRACK NOW!" an announcement pony screams through a microphone.
???) "oh! Looks like they are gonna start...wish me luck!"
Fluttershy: "Ooh right! Good luck out there. Give it your all."
The armored pone bows to her and fly’s off to the tracks in fast speed leaving a red trail seeing rainbow dash he then lands next to her causing a bit of the impact.
Rainbow: Feels the ground shake a bit underneath her hooves. She looks to the armored pony with a smirk
"Aah lookie who it is! You sure you don't want to take that armor off? It may put you at a disadvantage."
???) "I can handle it Rainbow and your squad..."
Spitfire: Hovers down and lands next to Dash
"So you must be him. I have a feeling this may turn out interesting"
???) looks at spitfire "so you heard?...any comments?"
Spitfire: "Just from what Dash has told me. About you being part of a squadron, and also being a wanderer."
???) "yah that sounds about right..."
Spitfire: "Hope you're ready to give it your best shot. I know that I will."
???) "oh i'll give it all i got..." his visor glows red
A few more of the Wonderbolts take to the starting line as well as many other pegasi who had signed up.
Pony announcer) "okay everypony no dirty tricks, but if you got cool tricks feel free to! We wanna clean race! Give it all you got! Whoever wins! Will win enough to bits to live in ponyville!"
???) he scratches the dirt as he stretch his large wings out and straightens his tail ready to fly as fast as he could.
Pony announcer) three!....two!!....GO!!
The armored stallion uses his legs and hooves to launch himself and zooms onto the track. Rainbow Dash zooms off flying down the track at high speeds going past the armored stallion while leaving a rainbow trail behind her. Spitfire fles just a smidge behind Rainbow Dash, leaving a fiery orange trail. The armored stallion see's the 2 and gives larger wing flaps to give more momentum to launch himself to them putting him neck and neck on Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash looks at him.
Rainbow: "Just getting started here" says as she flips her goggles over her eyes and flaps her wings at a faster pace.
She looks practically leaving the other racers almost far back as she makes the curves of the tack. Already she completes the first lap with spitfire not far behind.
???) he thinks in his head "these 2 are fast...I better give it more!" as he makes a turn he lands on cloud with enough momentum to launch him past dash for a few feet like a slingshot "h-how did that" he says confused
Pony announcer) "woah i have never seen a pony do that in a race before!!!"
Rainbow: "What in the hay!"
She sped up her velocity, making certain to drift on those sharp turns. She catches up with him flying right beside him as they complete the second lap and are now on the third and final lap.
???) "your fast rainbow dash they sure weren't lying when they say your the fastest pony in equestria! he flys next to her"
Rainbow: "Yeah they weren't kidding! But I hope you're ready to kick things up!"
With that she soars higher up in the sky going the same speed, but still staying on track. Having to soar upwards however allows the armored stallion to be in the lead.
???) looks up at her she's gonna use her momentum! I better hurry! fly’s faster and faster but suddenly the the gem on his chest stops glowing and his armor powers down "oh no...." falls towards the ground like the armor now has weight to it suddenly "fuuuuuuuuuck!"
Rainbow: Dives back downward at high velocity, looking like she's about to break the sound barrier
???) his armor starts heating up as he starts free falling as his wings goes all over the place he then uses his tail to reach parts of his armor
ponys start gasping and clamoring as they see the armor stallion started falling from the sky
Fluttershy: Watching from below the ground, she gasps and covers her eyes
Rainbow: Suddenly rips through the sound barrier, creating her amazing Sonic Rainboom that sends out a rainbow shockwave high above the sky. She soars back down above the track gaining more speed
???) "come on come on..." reaches his pocket finding a spare gem and quickly removes the one in his chest replacing it as it then glows red and his armor powers back on allowing the weight to disappear and gets his balance back as he as then start to break the sound barrier similar to Rainbow Dash then shaping himself to be more arrow dynamic to go at a faster velocity,
A sudden loud boom can be heard from below as the armored stallion made a firey ring as he then pulls himself up catch up next to Sash's speed as they are now neck and neck once more as his armor is becoming red hot like fire.
Rainbow:" Huh?! HOW?!"
Is practically caught off guard by this, but keeps her focus on the track. She makes the final turn and is approaching the finish line.
???) he starts flapping his wings to the point of a blur he then gives one last burst to the finish line.
As the 2 cross the finish line a camera quickly shoots taking a photo of the 2 of them and the crowd roars loudly in excitement.
Rainbow: Was just about neck and neck with him during those last seconds. She flies upward to make a slow and steady stop before hovering back downwards, panting and huffing
???) slows down using his wings as he then slows down landing but gives a hard impact as he pants and huffs as well as he was flying at the speed of a meteorite. his armor making a hissing sound as his armor starts to cool down but slowly his wings drop tired.
Rainbow: "Hoo... huff... you... you all right?"
Went straight over to him while Spitfire had came in third. The other racers cross the finish line not too long after
???) "i-i'll live...hadn't...huff.....did that....since i was would of killed me....huff...."
Pony announcer) "wowza! I couldn’t tell who won! That armored pony match that rainboom like. Meteor hitting earth!"
Fluttershy: Had flown straight over to him
"Are you okay? I saw you about to fall straight towards the ground!"
???) "my wings are sore but i'll be okay Fluttershy..."
Announcer) "hmm...looking at a photo i couldn't tell who won! But!" her horn glows casting a spell to make the image "clearer holy moly kenoli! The armored pony won by a nose!"
???) "huh? about that...taps the tip of his face plat"
Rainbow: "Woah! I don't believe it! Congrats big guy. I don't know how you did it, but sweet Celestia you gave me a run for my money!"
Gives him a slap on the back
???) The heat of his armor burned dash's hoof when she made contact "i dont think touching me right now is a good idea" he says to Dash
Rainbow: "YOWCH THAT'S HOT!"
Waved her hoof around
Fluttershy: "Ooh I'm so glad that you won! Good thing I stopped myself from getting ready to hug you. Ehehehe..."
???) "yah good thing...i'd hate to accidentally hurt you" has his hoof on the back of his helmet
Pony) runs the the armored pony with a trophy and a huge amount of bits "your prize sir!"
???) "u-um thanks...." he touches the gold trophy but it melts a bit from the heated armor. "oh..probably have to wait"
Rainbow: "You don't mind your armor getting wet do you? I'm gonna have to cool you down."
She flies off to grab a rain cloud and hovers it over him
???) looks up as the cloud is above "i don’t that works....but okay...."
Rainbow: Jumps on the rain cloud a bunch causing a heavy downpour of water to rain down on him
his armor then lets out some steam but eventually cools down long enough to be safe to touch
???) looks at fluttershy "okay now you can hug me....i-if you want that is..." rubs his left foreleg
Fluttershy: Giggles and gives him a congratulatory hug
???) his helmet gives a little blush in cartoon fashion as his 3 tails went stiff
Spitfire: Lands in front of the steel stallion
"Well I don't know how you did it, but you managed to outspeed my fastest flyer."
???) "if the outcome lasted longer..." he then looks at Rainbow Dash "I think she would of won..."
Spitfire: "In any case you showed a lot of guts. Even after that crash landing you almost went through. You would definitely meet the qualifications of being a Wonderbolt."
???) "Thanks for the offer...but I must decline....I have important duties to do" looks at Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash and gestures a salute "I'll see you around Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash" he then grabs the bits but not the trophy to then fly off but immediately fall flat on his face on the ground. "r-right...sore....wings" he gets up looking at them dusting himself off. "Till we meet again!" he then runs off into the hills as everypony watches as he runs off to the distance.
Fluttershy: Mutters to herself as she watches him gallop off onto the horizon "Do hurry back soon..."
1 hour past and the armored pony lands on a road looking at the sign that says "welcome to ponyville" his armor then starts to uniform revealing a light grey coat. When his helmet finally unforms his red eyed irises shining from the sun and black and red mane flowing against the wind as he then turns on audio log again.
???) "audio log 02...Well...I manage to win a race and meet new faces...I saw the same mare again...her name is Fluttershy...she called herself the "element of kindness"....I thought it was a bit weird...but honestly she really feels like the kindest mare....probably the kindest mare in the whole universe...wish I told her my name, but i can't right now...That Rainbow Dash mare is also very interesting...she is pretty much the fastest mare I've ever met! Breaking the sound barrier is no big deal...and I almost kill myself doing it and she does it flawlessly..and she's the element of loyalty.....well time to buy a new home...then...I gotta find my Twin sister...This is Lieutenant Knight Meteor Strike of the Ares Squadron...signing off.." he then turns to ponyville and walks to the town with a smile on his face ready for anything that will come at him.
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