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by on May 5, 2018
Dear Princess,
Negative emotions come to us all wether we like it or not. Some of us suffer from these emotions more than others, and some don't understand how to deal with these feelings. These feelings put so much work on Princess Luna as they can cause so many nightmares. We bottle up our feelings and just wait for them to burst releasing everything into the world. We hide how we truly feel because we have no clue how to verbalize it, but I've found a way that helps me.
Sure, Discord might not have been the greatest, but he's still pretty funny. Whenever I have these negative emotions I have two options. The first option is turning them into Discord, doing this scales down the feelings and makes them fightable. The other option is picturing them to be a simple nightmare and wait for Luna to show up and save the day as always.
These feelings usually come to me later in the night, when everyone is asleep and I'm all alone in the quiet. Instead of sitting silently in the dark, I put on a nightlight and release all my feelings onto paper. I create my own friends who will be awake and can talk to be, my own friends used to beat my own Discord. Sure these are kinda cheesy and the fact that my emotions are all messed up I can't properly test everything, but I tested them on myself and approves.