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Maxh Vezpyre
by on May 9, 2018
- "Celestia and Luna: Your crates will have a slightly delay, because catching dark salmon is hard, why do you want salmon, Equestrians don't eat that, we do, but if you wanna try them out then fine, just a little more."
- "Cambia: is resurrecting the dead again, we're not responsible of what she does next."
- "Snow: visited a couple of days ago, and is flirting with the biggest mares there is, she's so small probably would fit in their saddlebags."
- "Charlie: only visited to buy Egyptian ink and our expensive papyrus, and to check on Snow, not sure how's that going."
- "Corona: Turns out this half bird is actually a Changeling, we don't know what a changeling is, but they change shapes apparently, neat."
- "Emery: Nowhere to be seen at the moment, practicing magic outside the pyramids, gets kidnapped often by me."
PS: Send help.