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by on May 19, 2018
This is the blogs section, right? Yeah, it says "Add a New Blog" and the top. Wonderful!
Right. So, it's been quite a while. I can't remember the last time I was on here, but I'm pretty sure it was 2018. Let's see what's been happening, shall we?
Well, I had a great time in Paris. It's a fantastic place to retire, which I think I shall strive for. Weather was perfect, food was great, people were amazing. It was also while in Paris that I found out that I got an offer of admission from university! So now all I need is a B on the graded exam I just sat this past Monday, and I'll be a Hsitory student at University! I'm really looking forward to it, although my student funding will only take me up to a degree. Don't have enough time left for a Master's or a PhD, so I'd best start saving for them.
I got an Xbox One. Username is Jesterpain13 (shut up, I made it when I was young and edgy and I ain't paying £7 just to change it), I usually play Dark Souls III, Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and Fallout 4. Oblivion, I'm doing far better than my past playthroughs (one of which saw me fight Mehrunes Dagon at level 3), and I made a Khajiit who looks like a mouse. Speaking of games, check out my YouTube channel, Jester Gaming, to follow the story of Ri'Kazair, a Khajiit assassin in the land of Skyrim who has no regard for life of any kind, although will never steal anything.
Let's see... I've started to lose weight. Slowly, but surely. I've discovered that I really like those Rubicon drinks, whcih are only 12/15 calories a bottle, and pretty cheap as well. I decided to stop reading On History by Eric Hobsbawm because argh, it is such a dry read. I'll go back to Stephen King's IT, then start reading about the Gangs of New York. Or maybe I'll start off Killer Angels by Michael Schaara. I'll stick with The Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era by James McPhearson when I'm at the gym, though.
And I think that's it. If anyone has any questions, love messages, hate mail, insults, nudes, ransoms notes, free food they wanna send me, leave them in the comments below, and I shall see you all later!
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Oh, I also got a new tattoo.
Like May 19, 2018