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Princess Neon Synthwave
by on May 20, 2018
So for a while I’ve been in search for a girlfriend (since I’m a dude in real life). The search is like looking for the holy grail. It always turns out empty for me. I never got why. I’ve tried and tried again and again. It’s gotten to a point where I’ve nearly given up and just used other means. It’s actu funny how I personify these feelings in an oc. An oc who never fell in love and turned to alcoholism. I know this blog may sound bitchy but it’s a growing issue I’ve had. I find a good person and she goes for the cock sucker who will probably treat her like shit. It’s always the good ones that get taken
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MGTOW says women are the worst things ever for men, basically. IDK if they're right or wrong. But don't bet your happiness on only a chance with continually weakening success ever since 1970. Dating and marriage are absolute shit now. I doubt relationship stuff will ever become as good as it used to... View More
Like May 20, 2018 Edited
Princess Neon Synthwave
I’m tempted to go to the Middle East. Heard they got a sale on women
Like May 20, 2018
Celtic Cross
MGTOW is pretty solid on some of their advice, honestly. As long as you focus on yourself and don't worry about the rest, then things will fall into place. Don't compromise if it could hurt you in the future- play by your own rules. If you just focus on self-improvement, stability, and job improveme... View More
Like May 21, 2018 Edited
Not to be that guy but that last bit about girls going for assholes... r/niceguys I get it's annoying but being toxic won't help you whatsoever, it'll make it worse.
Like May 20, 2018 Edited
But why is it so important?
Like May 21, 2018
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Schwoopy Tail
Considering most people consume at least one form of media in their lives, of which aggrandizes that level of companionship above and beyond all else, it's not hard to see why people get stuck into the notion that it's important. Consider how popular shipping is even when there's no romantic chemis... View More
Like May 21, 2018 Edited
Friendship, even girlfriend(...ship?), feels nice. Social isolation destroys minds. Really, it fucks up an area of the brain next to the area that controls our perception of pain. It hurts. A relationship would help, but it's not the only thing that helps
Like May 21, 2018
>Significantly enjoys being alone and is one of the reasons why he struggles with talking with people consistently.
Like May 21, 2018
Meh, most common trait that girls fall for is a guy who is confident, wouldn't say all girls take 'bad' guys cause they don't but.. Maybe you can try to go out more? (Idk If you do), look for a hobby which others can share with you? There might be a girl there- heck Maybe even at a convention!
Like May 21, 2018
From the last part i'd also think that you put your standards too high? But That's just me Guessing, i'd still suggest this and If you still go to school/college try to talk to some there? Same counts for at work
Like May 21, 2018
Princess Neon Synthwave
Thanks cute pone
Like May 21, 2018