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by on May 22, 2018
Cantewwot Avenyue Wuwes
Wuwes estabwished on: 10/31/2017
Wuwes wevised on: 3/2/2018
Wuwes awe subject to change. Usews awe wequiwed to pewiodicawwy check this page fow any wevisions made to the wuwes. Ignyowance to the wuwes is nyot an excuse to avoid punyishment..
1 Intwoduction
2 The Cowonyian Cwause
3 Site & Chawactew Content
4 NSFW Content
5 Nyaming Powicy
6 Genyewaw Behaviow
7 Copywight/Pwagiawism Powicy
8 Fowums
9 Wowepway & OOC
10 CSS, BBCode, Unyicode, Custom Wanguages & Bugs
Wewcome, evewyonye, to Cantewwot Avenyue >w<
We hope that youw stay hewe is a pweasant onye, and we hope to see you awound the site as weww. Unfowtunyatewy, much wike any othew pwace, thewe awe wuwes and weguwations that we must fowwow, in owdew to make this pwace a mowe enjoyabwe expewience fow evewyonye. These wuwes awe meant to assist usews and staff in making suwe that ouw times hewe awe memowabwe. Pwease wead each section cawefuwwy.
If you have any questions ow concewn about any of the guidewinyes set in pwace hewe, pwease feew fwee to contact onye of ouw staff membews by weaching us thwough ouw Staff Page. Of couwse, keep in mind that wuwes awe subject to change, and evewy usew is wesponsibwe fow pewiodicawwy checking this page fow any changes.
Wegawdwess, hope to see you awound >w<
The Cowonyian Cwause
The wuwes of the website awe a wefwection of the vision the foundew has fow theiw pawticuwaw site. As such, the foundew awso has the powew to have the finyaw wowd in any situation, as this is theiw website, which in tuwn, what they say becomes the wuwe.
Site & Chawactew Content
The fowwowing content/chawactews awe awwowed on Cantewwot Avenyue, incwuding, but nyot
wimited to:
Any cweatuwe fwom the MWP unyivewse, incwuding
Comic waces
Popuwaw fan fiction wike Fawwout Equestwia
Chawactews/Owiginyaw Chawactews fwom the Fuwwy communyity
Any Human OCs fow cwossuvw and the wike WP's
Equestwia Giwws Chawactews/OCs fow the puwpose of:
The fowwowing Chawactews and site contents awe nyot awwowed on Cantewwot Avenyue. This incwudes but is nyot wimited to
MWP/Fuwwy Chawactews associated with pownyogwaphic content
NSFW Awt & Usew Contents, incwuding, but nyot wimited to:
Pwofiwe images
Cuvw Photos
Mawketpwace wistings
Obviouswy cwopped NSFW images
NSFW Content
if a cwopped NSFW image stands immediatewy questionyabwe at fiwst, ow even second gwance, the image is subjected to be wevewsed image seawch. If it is indeed NSFW, then it is subject to wemovaw and stwike.
If you wouwd wike to knyow if youw content is suitabwe fow shawing, pwease contact a staff membew, and they wiww detewminye its appwopwiatenyess.
CA awwows you to cweate events and/ow pages of youw wiking. Pages may contain evewything except:
Iwwegaw content
Iwwicit Dwugs
Wacism (Swuws, Supwemacy, and Issues)
Powiticaw views
Past events that awe wikewy to cause dwama (i. e. 9/11)
Offensive nyames
Wewigious views
Mockewy of potentiawwy infwammatowy subjects/content such as wace/wewigion/disabiwity etc
NSFW awt, comments, statuses.
Questionyabwe content.
The staff of Cantewwot Avenyue wesewves the wight to wemuv viowating content, ow tewminyate an event ow page that may be viowating the guidewinyes wisted abuv.
Cantewwot Avenyue has the abiwity to wet usews cweate theiw own custom contests, howevew, said contests may nyot have the fowwowing content
Iwwegaw content
Iwwicit Dwugs
Wacism (Swuws, Supwemacy, and Issues)
Powiticaw views
Past events that awe wikewy to cause dwama (i. e. 9/11)
Offensive nyames
Wewigious views
Mockewy of potentiawwy infwammatowy subjects/content such as wace/wewigion/disabiwity etc
NSFW awt, comments, statuses.
Questionyabwe content.
If you have any questions ow you awe unsuwe if a contest you wish to cweate, is suitabwe fow the website, pwease contact a membew of staff, and they wiww detewminye the appwopwiatenyess of youw content. Keep in mind that CA Staff has the wight to take down content that may be considewed inyappwopwiate.
The fowwowing is additionyaw content that it is nyot awwowed. This incwudes, but nyot wimited to
NSFW Biwthday Games
SFW Biwthday games awe awwowed
Pwot shots containying genyitawia
Pwot shots that DO NyOT contain genyitawia awe awwowed. These images may nyot have any suggestive wooks ow cause any type of sexuaw wesponses fwom othew usews.
Innyew side boob
Gweatwy uvwsized butts
Any othew content that fawws undew the categowy of inyappwopwiatenyess
Nyo content may contain sexuaw acts. Incwuding, but nyot wimited to:
sex/undewage sex
Impwied, ow visuaw wape
Pwegnyancy fetish
Diapew fetish
Usage of sexuaw toys
Nyaked humanyized ponyies
Wing pway
Hown pway
Nyo content may contain viowent acts. Incwuding, but nyot wimited to
Excessive gowe
Sewf-infwicted mutiwation
Visibwe intewnyaw owgans.
Some bwood is pewmitted pwoviding that it comes fwom accidents ow minyow battwe wounds.
Staff may take down content, without wawnying, that is bewieved to be in viowation of the wuwes stated abuv. If you have content that you awe unsuwe of its appwopwiatenyess, pwease contact a membew of staff to detewminye the appwopwiatenyess of the content.
Nyaming Powicy
Cantewwot Avenyue awwows the abiwity to cweate usewnyames fow youw pwofiwe, awong with Dispway nyames. Nyames must be awphanyumewic, which means wettews A - Z, and nyumbews 1 - 9. The fowwowing nyame usage is nyot awwowed, incwuding, but nyot wimited to
Nyames with waciaw swuws
Nyames associated with degwading, ow offensive content
Nyames containying Communyism, Nyazism, extwemist powiticaw views, wewigious bewiefs, gendew, past events, ow sensitive topics. .
Nyames containying symbows of any kind
An exception to the wuwe awe nyames utiwizing undewscowes, quotations and pewiods, etc.
Nyames with unweadabwe text
Nyames have to be wwitten in Engwish
The use of Awtewnyative “Ä??bì?” (Engwish wettews) is awso nyot awwowed
If you have any questions ow concewns about these guidewinyes, pwease contact an Adminyistwatow, ow any membew of staff fow assistance in the case you awe unsuwe of a nyame you wouwd wike to use.
Genyewaw Behaviow
Evewyonye is expected to have a good behaviow on the website. Thewe awe cewtain types of behaviow that awe nyot towewated ow appwopwiate in Cantewwot Avenyue. This is incwuding but nyot wimited to:
This is when a Nyon-Staff (Usew) membew takes the job of any membew of staff to twy to enfowce the wuwes, wawn ow punyish usews.
Exampwes of Minyi-Modding incwude, but nyot wimited to:
Tewwing othew usews what to do
Quoting specific wuwes
Tewwing usews what they did wwong
Puwposewy dewaiwing
Asking to wemuv ow dewete infwinging content ow twying to invoke authowity.
Intentionyaw dwama
This awso appwies to wowepwaying IC & OOC. In owdew to avoid misundewstandings, make suwe to infowm the pewson you awe speaking to what youw stywe is.
Awguments that do nyot incwude any sowt of dewogatowy insuwt ow thweats awe nyot wikewy to be subject to any discipwinyawy action.
Having an opinyion does nyot constitute a ban.
If you have an issue with anyothew usew, pwease wesowt to using the “Bwock Usew” button, instead of causing a scenye on the website. The staff is nyot wesponsibwe of maintainying hawmony between usews on the site.
Insuwts based on wace, gendew, wewigion, nyationyawity, sexuaw owientation, powiticaw views awe nyot awwowed
Diswespecting othews beyond that of a civiw, and powite discussion
This appwies to awtists who have had theiw content stowen, and/ow modified. Pwease wefew to the Copywight/Pwagiawism Powicy section fow instwuctions on how to wepowt awt theft.
Thweats towawds othew usews ow staff of any kind awe nyot awwowed
Usews that act ow deaw in diswuptive mannyews wiww be deawt with the same as aww othew offenses. If you awe a thweat to the peace of the sites ow awe just simpwy causing issues fow othew usews, staff ow visitows, actions wiww be taken immediatewy.
Pubwicwy shawing pwivate infowmation on the feed, ow with usews nyot invowved, is nyot awwowed. Incwuding, but nyot wimited to:
Physicaw addwess
Wequest pewmission fwom the pewson(s) invowved in the convewsation pwiow to posting the PMs pubwicwy.
Wevenge wepowting
This is the act of wepowting nyon-wuwe bweaking content in owdew to attain wevenge on someonye that you may, ow may nyot think wepowted you.
The staff has the wight to use this site as do anyonye ewse, as such they have the same pwotection as usews do. Fow any issues ow concewns, you can contact a membew of staff at: making suwe to wabew on the emaiw if the issue is fow a Modewatow ow Pubwic Wewations.
Fow issues that have highew pwiowity, you may contact an adminyistwatow at: Taking mattews into youw own hands wiww nyot be towewated.
Attacking staff fow any/nyo weason is nyot awwowed
Impewsonyating Staff, incwuding but nyot wimited to
The way they speak
This wiww be handwed on a case by case basis, and the punyishment may be detewminyed, depending on the staff membew handwing the case.
Encouwaging usews to engage in wuwe-bweaking behaviow. This is nyot wimited to just usage of Cantewwot Avenyue, but awso pwomoting activities that bweak wuwes on othew sites, as weww such as spamming ow waiding.
Upwoading content which couwd cause seizuwes fow epiweptic usews, is nyot awwowed
Sweawing is awwowed, but with modewation
Usews who disobey the wuwes wiww weceive a punyishment based on the context of theiw issue. This is down to the judgment of the modewation staff; these punyishments can be onye of the fowwowing:
Vewbaw Wawnying
This is sent by ouw staff to twy and educate you on what wuwe was bwoken, why it is a wuwe, and what you can do to avoid wepeating youw mistake. These messages awe awways meant as an educationyaw toow and awe nyevew an officiaw wawnying.
Officiaw Wawnying
This wiww be sent via the "Insewt bot nyame hewe" account, which aww ouw admin systems awe winked to. It wiww expwain in a mowe pwofessionyaw way what you did wwong, why it is wwong, and what you can do to avoid it happenying again.
This wiww be sent via the "Insewt bot nyame hewe" account, which aww ouw admin systems awe winked to. An infwaction is a vewy sevewe fowm of punyishment and is just onye step away fwom a ban. Weceiving onye of these pwaces you in a diwect winye to youw nyext issue wesuwting in an account ban.
Bannying is spwit into two diffewent types. Account & IP.
Account bans awe given to accounts that have pwuvn to be sewious offendews in theiw usage of the site, that it wawwants theiw wemovaw.
IP bans awe given to IP Addwess that awe being used to diswupt the site, and/ow avoid bans on accounts, and/ow othew wewated offenses.
Duwing the duwation of the ban, it is nyot pewmitted to cweate additionyaw accounts. Any accounts cweated duwing that time wiww be pewmanyentwy bannyed awong with an extension of the punyishment on the owiginyaw. Shouwd the staff feew it's justified, youw IP access may awso be bannyed.
If fow any weason a punyishment was made unfaiwwy, you did nyot agwee with it ow you fewt you wanted mowe infowmation on said punyishment; send an emaiw to
Be suwe to incwude aww impowtant infowmation such as the usewnyame, the action being committed, and a weason why the account shouwd be weinstated. These appeaws wiww be weviewed by ouw appeaws team.
An apowogy is nyot an appeaw, it can be used in an appeaw to hewp us show that you undewstand the wuwe bweaches you committed, but it cannyot be an appeaw.
Appeaws shouwd awso be donye both pwofessionyawwy, and cawmwy. Whiwst the staff undewstand that you may be upset; ow angwy by a wuwing, ouw staff have the wight to deny an appeaw shouwd you thweaten, attack, ow wash out at them.
The appeaws team do nyot handwe youw punyishments, and as such awe nyot wesponsibwe fow the punyishment you have been given.
Depending on the type of punyishment you awe appeawing, youw appeaw can be wooked at by eithew the appeaws team ow by a highew admin of staff.
If at any point in time duwing wowk on youw appeaw you feew you nyeed anyothew viewpoint on the situation, you awe fwee to wequest onye; and anyothew staff membew wiww come, and weview youw appeaw.
If you have questions ow concewns about the guidewinyes given abuv, feew fwee to weach out to onye of the staff membews ow contact an adminyistwatow by sending them a Pwivate Message.
Copywight/Pwagiawism Powicy
Nyo content is awwowed which may infwinge on intewwectuaw pwopewty wights of othews, ow whose souwce(s) expwicitwy pwohibit distwibution on othew sites.
Befowe upwoading content that is nyot youws (incwuding wecowows), we ask that you:
Confiwm that the owiginyaw awtist ow copywight howdew awwows distwibution and/ow modification of the content
Incwude any cwedits ow winks back to the awtist ow copywight howdew of the content
Content posted without fowwowing these wuwes is subject to wemovaw
Ouw officiaw contact accounts can be found at the fowwowing addwesses:
If you do nyot have access to eithew, you may submit a cwaim via ouw adminyistwation maiw, - Incwuding aww infowmation that we wequiwe.
When deawing with stowen ow infwinging content, do NyOT hawass, spam ow othewwise attempt to "cowwect" the usew suspected. Doing so wiww be tweated as hawassment accowding to ouw wuwes of conduct. Instead, fowwow the instwuctions given bewow to wepowt the content, and awwow ouw staff to handwe the situation.
If you awe the owiginyaw awtist ow copywight howdew in accowdance with Nyotice and Nyotice:
Send an emaiw to with the fowwowing infowmation:
State the cwaimant's nyame and addwess
Identify the copywight matewiaw that is awweged to have been infwinged and the cwaimant's intewest ow wight with wespect to that matewiaw
Specify the wocation data (e.g. the web addwess ow Intewnyet addwess associated with the awweged infwingement)
Specify the infwingement that is awweged; and
specify the date and time of the awweged infwingement.
If you awe nyot the owiginyaw awtist ow copywight howdew, and the ownyew is unyabwe to wepowt ow does nyot own an account on CA:
Contact the owiginyaw awtist ow copywight howdew, and infowm them of the steps that nyeed to be taken in owdew to submit a nyotice.
Cantewwot Avenyue has vawious pwaces to fweewy sociawize and wowepway, and the fowums awe divided into many sections to choose fwom; howevew, much wike the genyewaw site, they too contain theiw guidewinyes. Hewe awe the fowwowing guidewinyes:
OOC chats awe meant fow OOC discussion of the WP
Keep chat nyot wewevant to the WP to a minyimum
Diswuption of wowepwaying fowums by entewing without authowization is nyot awwowed
The thwead cweatow is wesponsibwe fow modewation of his/hew thwead
They awe awso wesponsibwe of making suwe the membews and the content fowwows the wuwes of the site
With that said, the modewatows and admins awe awso avaiwabwe in the event that a thwead ownyew wequiwes the assistance of the staff.
Gwobaw website wuwes appwy to the fowums as weww.
Content in the fowums must be wewative to the topic of the thwead at aww times.
If you have questions ow concewn about these guidewinyes, pwease contact a membew of staff ow adminyistwatow fow assistance.
Wowepway & OOC
You awe fwee to wowepway and sociawize in Cantewwot Avenyue, but hewe awe the fowwowing
EWPs with usews undew the age of 18 is nyot pwohibited, but nyot encouwaged.
Staff takes nyo wesponsibiwity fow whatevew occuws between usews on Pwivate Messages, unwess the issue is wepowted.
Pubwic EWPs awe NyOT awwowed in any section of the site
Weading up to NSFW content in a pubwic WP is pwohibited
Waww WPs may nyot contain
Waciaw swuws, both species based and IWW wace based.
Iwwegaw content
Iwwicit Dwugs
Weaw Wife powiticaw views
Past events that awe wikewy to cause dwama (i. e. 9/11)
Offensive nyames
Weaw wewigious views
Content that mocks disabwed individuaws
Suggestive content
Gowe, Vowe ow any othew type of extweme fetish
Excessive amounts of gowe ow viowence
Nyo spam of OOC content at any time.
Excessive posts of OOC content in a showt amount of time, typicawwy 1-2 days
If you have muwtipwe chawactews, you must use the “Bio” section of youw pwofiwe to wist aww of youw wowepwaying chawactews, awong with theiw infowmation
Muwtipwe accounts awe nyot awwowed at this time.
CSS, BBCode, Unyicode, Custom Wanguages & Bugs
Youw cuvw & CSS awe exempt fwom the genyewaw wuwes in what content can be appwied to them, pwoviding that they do nyot bweak ouw wuwes on matuwe and NSFW content. As such, you awe genyewawwy fwee to customize youw pwofiwe to a wawge degwee to make it feew mowe at home fow youwsewf.
Thewe awe, howevew, cewtain westwictions to what you can do with youw CSS.
CSS that tuwns the page in any owientation is nyot awwowed
Nyo CSS that hindews the abiwity to contact a usew in any way
CSS that wemuvs the abiwity to add/wemuv ow wepowt a usew.
CSS that hides ow awtews the membewship of usews
CSS used to hack ow hindew the pewfowmance of the website
BBCode is to be used fow the puwpose of customizing youw pwofiwe, bwogs, fowum posts, PM's. It is NyOT used in posts ow comments.
If you use BBCode on youw pwofiwes, you awe sowewy wesponsibwe fow the issues it may cause to youw pwofiwe, thus making you, the usew, wesponsibwe fow fixing the issue.
Custom Text/Wanguages (aside fwom Engwish) awe nyot pewmitted in aww aweas of the website (outside of Pwivate Messages.)
This is in pwace because Cantewwot Avenyue's standawd wanguage is mainwy Engwish. Whiwe we do undewstand that thewe awe usews fwom many countwies, we awso undewstand that many usews wouwd nyot appweciate having the gwobaw feed fiwwed with statuses and comments of diffewent wanguages that they wiww nyot undewstand and may wepowt them as Spam.
Unyicode, with the exception of Emojis and accents, is nyot awwowed acwoss the site, except Pwivate Messages.
Keep in mind that the staff wesewves the wight to wemuv aww CSS fwom usew’s pwofiwes if it is found in viowation.
With any website, thewe’s awways the possibiwity fow bugs. Choosing to expwoit bugs ow vuwnyewabiwities found within the softwawe of the site, is extwemewy pwohibited and punyishabwe.
If you find any expwoits that affect the usew expewience of Cantewwot Avenyue, pwease contact a membew of the Devewopment team fwom ouw staff page, ow emaiw us at
5 people like this.
Icy Breeze
How long did it take you to do this? Or is there some kind of engine you can just put text into and get this cancer
Like May 22, 2018
cancer engine.
Like May 22, 2018
Deactive user
Like May 22, 2018
Like May 22, 2018
Twilight Schwifty
The fuq
Like May 22, 2018
View 1 more reply
Twilight Schwifty
Like May 22, 2018
Miwsta obawma
Like May 22, 2018
Twilight Schwifty
Then perrish
Like May 22, 2018
whats this about babe?
Like February 27, 2020