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Crann Taca
by on May 26, 2018
A friend of mine along with another just had some of their art stolen by the same person. Please keep a look out for this person and alert any other art pieces you find stolen
3 people like this.
Acry Weaver (Inactive)
Oh fudge D:
Like May 26, 2018
Awoken Artist
hoping the thief issue gets resolve cause art theft is not okay and the artist has every single right to take absolute action on them such as press charges and suing them.
Like May 26, 2018
Crann Taca
Oh they will probably have to. Everything is explained in the video posted
Like May 26, 2018
Awoken Artist
yeah true if it has to come to it.
Like May 26, 2018
Ephemeria Spring
aaaaa all the exposed discord tags on youtube
Like May 26, 2018 Edited
Crann Taca
Came back on to give a quick update on the situation
Like May 26, 2018