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Eclipsed Shadow
by on June 14, 2018
Well, here goes. I haven't found you yet, and you haven't found me yet. We're just two entities living separate lives from one another. I would like to say that I will never take you for granted, ever. You'll enjoy, maybe not, hearing me talk about my space addiction, as well as my fascination with the Sun and the Moon. I hope that you'll be able to stand it when my horn decides to make a solar eclipse or a lunar eclipse.
Sincerely, your friend Eclipsed Shadow.
6 people like this.
Don't let anyone catch you moving the sun and moon. Celestia and Luna won't like that
Like June 14, 2018 Edited
Eclipsed Shadow
Well, I can't exactly control that happening. I was born with the power. I'm sure the Princesses will understand.
Like June 14, 2018
Coffee Spill
"I'll stay and watch you form the eclipses, it'll be nice!"
Like June 14, 2018
Eclipsed Shadow
Thanks, Cloud Dreamer!
Like June 14, 2018