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Libra Rosewood
by on June 20, 2018
Libra turns toward the camera, a smile on her face as she looks into the lens. Clearing her throat, she collects herself before opening her mouth.
"Hello, I'm Libra Rosewood. I am a twenty-three year old unikitty who is rather new to this wonderful place."
Her voice is soft and sweet, dripping off of her lips like honey from the comb. She takes a deep breath, tucking a few strands of unruly hair behind her ears before continuing.
"I want to meet you... yes you."
She points at the camera, her light blue eyes staring seemingly at those watching.
"So introduce yourselves! I love making new friends, hence my joining this lovely website."
Libra leans in a little, her eyes blinking slowly, a large smile on her face.
"I can't wait to meet you all! Bye for now."
She dramatically blows kisses at the camera and waves before the screen goes black.
7 people like this.
Silver Note
You know who to use the novel writing standard. I like you. Hard to find people who knows dialogue and narration goes on a separate paragraphs.
Like June 20, 2018
Libra Rosewood
Hehe yay thank you. <3
Like June 20, 2018
Rudy waves quickly. She waved like no-ones business, she was a surfer after all. She knew her waves.
Like June 20, 2018
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Libra Rosewood
"Be my guest!" She moves forewords enough so that her hoof touches the soft grey coat.
Like June 20, 2018
Rudy would keep a calm exterior as she slowly felt the coat of the unikitty. She then slowly put another hoof on her and then picked her up. "You're coming home with me."
Like June 20, 2018
Libra Rosewood
Libra makes a small noise of surprise when she is suddenly being picked up and carried home. "All you had to do was ask!" She chuckles softly.
Like June 20, 2018
All About Drizzy
Drizzy would kick in the fucking door followed with a good bit of smoke, meaning he had probably just tooken a huge hit.
Like June 20, 2018
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Libra Rosewood
"Oh, that means you're trouble." She chuckles and winks playfully.
Like June 20, 2018
All About Drizzy
"I know, and it's true~" He'd grin diabolically looking like a sinister lil shit.
Like June 20, 2018
Libra Rosewood
She tsks softly and shakes her head. "Well dang, here I thought you would be a polite gentleman. Now I know you're trouble and can watch my back" She sticks her tongue out.
Like June 20, 2018
Bright Brave
I love unikitties
Like June 20, 2018
Libra Rosewood
Yay me too!
Like June 20, 2018
Bright Brave
Like June 20, 2018