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Libra Rosewood
by on June 22, 2018
Libra's parents fell in love when they were both still pretty young, but they kept it a secret knowing how it would be seen by others. At night they would meet outside the city of Manehatten on the property her father's family owned when everyone was asleep. This secret love affair lasted until it became apparent that the woman was with child, which they had previously not believed was possible. Forced to come clean about their affections for another, they decided to get married. Her mother's family disapproved vocally, disowning their daughter before the vows were even exchanged. Libra's father's family, however, seemed much more receptive of the odd pairing. When Libra was born, she wanted for nothing, her parents loved her without condition. It was only when she was old enough to attend school that she got her first taste of how cruel the world could truly be. She was an outcast due to her lineage, even the teachers seemed to treat her differently. Still, the small hybrid stuck it out, determined to make the best of her situation. This continued for years, until the worst happened. A week after her tenth birthday, her parents passed away, the official report was that it was an accident, but in truth it was murder at the hands of extremists who found their union unholy, an abomination. Without caregivers, Libra was forced to go live with her father's parents. Libra was okay with this prospect because the few times she had met them, they seemed nice enough. It did not take long after moving there for Libra to learn the harsh truth. Her grandparents were beyond cruel, they blamed her mother and herself for the death of their oldest son, their hatred of their granddaughter was so intense that they did not bother to hide it. She was given a small room in the basement to live. They allowed her to attend school, if only to keep up the ruse of a caring family, but when she was not at school she was forced to act as a maid for the entire household. When her aunts and uncles would come with their children, her grandparents allowed her cousins to use her as a punching bag, they claimed it would help the other children get their aggression out and that it was the least the hybrid deserved. For eight years she withstood their abuse, their torment. On the morning of her eighteenth birthday, the girl packed her things before anyone else woke up and left. Luckily for Libra, her parents had left behind money for her that she was to receive when she finally turned eighteen. She put that money back and worked as a waitress for two years, saving her tips until they combined with her inheritance was enough to buy her dream, the small bookstore on the corner. Now that is where she spends her days, doing her best to forget about the cruelty of those she should be able to call family.