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A Scientific Pegasus
by on July 13, 2018
Please tell your sister to stop trying to act as if she isn't receiving my letters when I'm paying extra for them to be delivered specifically to her desk.
We both know I'm just saying some things she probably doesn't want to deal with right now, but due to her insistence in not taking care of resolving this issue I have developed a fascination in watching her squirm.
Also if you could give me a dream of me burning down somepony's house from back in the day in the Academy I'd be very grateful to you, I could really use a stress relief these days.
Your sometimes faithful subject, Kokonoe Mercury.
PS: Do tell Princess Twilight to stop asking me if she can preorder drafts of my thesis. I don't even understand how you can preorder a draft.
|This is a sidenote of a story I'm making on Fimfiction. It is purely for entertainment and to see what I can post in this Friendship Letters section. Enjoy.|
|Main story:|
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