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Phoenix Genevieve
by on July 16, 2018
I have, what some may call, a sick sense of humour. This isn’t a new development; I’ve been this way for as long as I can remember. It does lead to some genuinely funny moments, though, and I was recently reminded of something that happened a long time ago.
I was around 11 or 12, and it was around the time that I was leaving the house during the day and hanging out with friends, without any adult supervision. We’d walk down to stores and get ludicrous amounts of candy, sugary drinks; that kind of shit. But we always used to hang out at a park near all of our houses.
Well, one day we were there in the evening, just sitting around and talking to each other. Some kid, probably 6 or 7 came up to us, and it was just kind of obvious that, being the “older” kids, he thought we were cool. We talked with him a bit, when I got a funny idea. I told him that “Fuck you” was how cool kids said hello to each other. I was hoping that he’d say it to his friends in class or something, and a teacher would hear it and...Well, I guess get in trouble. Yeah, I’m going to refer back to the whole sick sense of humour thing. See, this was back before 6 year olds were really on the internet, so most kids that young didn't know all of the swear words.
Anyways, after 10 or so minutes of talking, his dad (I assume) called for him; we said our goodbyes and he went off. My friends and I went back to talking, but I kept watching him. The kid got back to his dad, and they were clearly talking about something when his dad suddenly backhanded him. I was just kind of shocked. He said something to the kid, who then pointed at us. I told my friends to run and we all got the fuuuuuck outta there.
I can't help but feel partially responsible for what happened. I hope things weren't too hard on him afterwards. It really wasn't his fault.
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Ephemeria Spring
Like July 16, 2018