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Prince Carey
by on July 25, 2018
I understand we all done things as an crazy teenager in high school as well as middle school, so here is an not to totally accruate prince Carey middle school and high school simulator to show you how dumb i was.
so in rp formate and explain your choices.
your walking down an middle school hallway and you decide to blank.
1) smother that one chick you like and eat with her all the time because no sauce.
2) pick an fight with an random stranger because you want to be ubber mocho with the ladies.
3) all da above?
and i will judge you soo harshly it won't be funny (na i kid we all did stupid stuff but really.
I had an nack with computers and my dear sweet teacher singed me up for computer class one and i take said class but didn't take computer class two because i thought. (whatever man i don't care for computer class, and i am already boss at coding..)
*takes an time machine slaps younger self*
i am good with computers but to think i could have been an programmer for some japanese company or designed the first artifacal android code <_< i could have been an God at coding if i choise to only expand upon it but nope i chose rotc because i wanted respect and i wanted to go into the military and be an officer. *slaps self again*
should i look at the pay that programmers recive compared to that an regulare blue colar gets?
moral: don't be dumb in high school kides.
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