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Princess Neon Synthwave
by on August 15, 2018
Ducati Moltobella goes by many names: The black dress killer, the silent killer, the devil herself. Her life consists of running her personal business in lower Manehattan. Mainly managing what dirty work her lackeys do. Despite being hidden most of the time, her lackeys known that when she is spotted somepony may die that night.
During Ducati's past as a filly, she was pretty normal despite being born to a crime family. She never learnt the crime business properly until her early twenties. Her first kill happened on an Autumn night. She was tasked to watch over her father's crew as they unloaded illegal shipments. Weapons, drugs, you name it. Ducati was nervous about the job. Fortunately she was wearing her favourite black dress which had a small pocket to hold a small knife. It wasn't long until things went south. A few random stallions who thought they were tough began to threaten her crew. They were easily scared away by the much larger stallions. Later however, Ducati found herself alone in an alley. The job had been finished and she wanted to go home. The stallions from earlier surrounded her. They taunted her at first until she pulled the knife. The first stallion attacked and needless to say she was the only one that made it out. Ducati's mental state changed from that day forward. A few years go by and her lackeys disappear. Mainly the less useful ones, Ducati is now running the business and has a lot of Manehattan under her hoof. A tattoo showcasing her name on her left shoulder. She made business with ponies and Griffins. A lot of them in trafficking and other things. It was until a minor discrepancy appeared though. She became pregnant to a filly. Going into hiding until the filly grew up, Ducati grew more and more anxious for the taste of murder. It was until her daughter, now in the guard, found out and sought to lock her away. (I will create a separate blog for Ducati's daughter)