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Awoken Artist
by on August 19, 2018
This is Part 2 of The story thats commissioned by Snowy-Arc from DeviantArt!

Next: coming soon

"stupid colt! who does he even think he is?! talking to us with such vulgar!" Daisy spatted as Candy follows with her down the hallways.
"ugh who knows! hes acting so tough all cause we where stating damn facts to his sister of how shes a low class mare. hmph! she deserved the beating~" Candy said
"heh yeah well- if they havent interfered things would go smoothly but whatever! thats not the point!" Daisy said. "right now we need to deal with Leo and show him a lesson or two of that WE rule the school here and he doesn't. he should think twice before getting in our way again"
"Oh really and what shall you do?" Candy asked out of curiosity
"Hmmm I have...ways~ to charm to those who will do anything for me and I mean anything~" she cooed. She soon spots a group of stallions that looked like they where hanging about and chatting. Looks to be jocks at the school. Perfect~
"Mmm seems we got...a good group to help us put Leo in his place~" Daisy said. Candy looked seeing the stallions "Oh those guys? hm they do look strong..especially that one with the ice blue hair~" she purred.
"Why dont we, have them help us~" Daisy walks up to the colt "excuse me~! I dont want to be rude or anything of..whatever your discussing but..i need some help?" she said.
"what seems to be the issue..?" one of the stallions asked.
"theres a mean colt that has been so crude to me and my dear friend and he made vulgar threats to me and..I need some help...he wont stop harassing me" she whined.
"Oh really another dumbass is doing this? tch typical.." "i dont want you stallions getting into trouble..i was hoping could teach him a lesson or two..~?" she fluttered her eyes at them "i mean you guys are strong built handsome stallions..~" she purred. "I mean..if you cant help i guess i coooould...-"
"don't worry we'll help. now what do you want us to do?" "you kidding me man?" one stallion that was going through his locker with the red/pink tint mane looked over "even if we did teach whoever he is a lesson, we'll get in trouble"
"not unless you fellow stallions do it secretly of sorts where no one will see that is~" Daisy cooed. "Maybe the restroom would be a good place to go, maybe the one down the hallway where hardly anypony is at. a good spot to do your business with him" she said.
The stallions looked at each other "sounds like a good enough plan"
"yeah better then to get our ass's in trouble"
the red hair stallion rolled his eyes as hes not pleased about this.
A while later, the school bell rang signaling everypony to go to lunch. Leo comes out of class with his twin.
"Hey i'll meet you at the cafeteria, I need to put some of my things away in my locker." he said.
"Okay, hurry back. I heard their serving daffodil daisy sandwiches. soooo good I cant wait! i'll save yours until you get back!" she said.
"don't worry i'll be quick!" he said as he hurries along to his locker down the hallway
however, hes unaware of a pair of eyes watching him as he opens his locker and set some of his books away. he shuts his locker as he grunted a bit "ugh..well..maybe a quick bathroom break.."
"perfect. we don't have to drag him to the restroom now." one stallion said.
"this makes it so much easier"
"you guys are seriously going to go through with this?" the red hair stallion spoke up.
"dude whats your problem he messed with that mare pretty bad. shouldn't we teach the guy a lesson?" one asked
"there,s better ways to go about it. besides i'm not so sure about that mare, she seems oddly calm for this. even when she pretended to be upset she still feels too calm about it."
"ugh your just over reacting" one of the other stallions spoke up getting annoyed "lets just go- hurry-"
they all went in and the red hair stallion followed, sighing knowing this will go south soon enough.
Leo was doing his business and came out of the stall sighing in relief "ugh if i hold it in any more id burst and that is sooooo not happening" he said to himself "last i want is an accident" he grumbled as he washes his hooves.
the stallions soon come in and stood blocking the exit and Leo turned noticing them "huh? excuse me i need to leave-"
"well we heard you been making some threats here pal." one stallion said
"vulgar threats to a mare is so not cool"
"wait. what? vulgar? what in the hay are you guys blubbering about?"
"oh don't play Koi with us dude, you where making threats to a mare so we thought we teach ya a lesson about it" another said
"you see, anyone makes any threats are going to get it" the stallions start approaching him as Leo backs up a bit "wait what are you talking about? what threats? a mare? are you meaning about Daisy? i only told her off so she can back off my damn twin!"
one of the stallions punches him in the face causing him having a black eye as the other hits him as well "don't matter! you shouldn't threaten anyone!" "i-i only told her off to leave my twin alone!"
the two mares were also in the room, watching him get beaten by the stallions. they giggled enjoying this "heh, see he shouldn't even mess with us~" "you said it, you see Leo you mess with me and make such horrible threats of yours i'll have somepony or more ponies to ... teach you a lesson~ not to mess with me~" she said
"heh! serves you right~!" candy said. they both smirked as they watch Leo get a few more kicks and punches. they where soon done after a while of beating
one stallion approaches him closer "next time you mess with somepony even the mare again...and i'll beat you until there's nothing left for you to be beaten with." he smirks. "yeah you tell 'em!" the other said smirking
"you guys..are going to regret doing this..don't you see shes bucking lying to you? telling you i made vulgar threats when i only told her off because shes a girl..who thinks she can do whatever she wants...and picks whatever she guys are blind!-" he gets punched again.
" guys are ridiculous.." the red mane stallion muttered under his breath, as he knows this isn't right but never engaged to add onto the beating. his ear twitched as he heard hooves trotting around.
"..lets go before anyone comes in and see." he said as he leaves.
"ugh just when it was getting fun!" the other stallion complained as they all start leaving quickly.
Daisy and Candy starts following behind as they looked over. "take this as a lesson, Leo~ your in OUR territory. we do whatever we want and if you mess with us this will be much worse afterwards~"
"heh, your nothing but a dumb colt. i guess your sister needs more then just a kick in the face~" she smirks
"don't you touch my bucking sister! you do anything I will-"
"you what? report us? oh boo they wont believe you~! we got everypony wrapped around our hooves and they believe everything we tell them! like as if they're gonna believe a poor colt that doesn't even have a reputation but...then again i guess your reputation will be the stallion who's so vulgar in threats~" they laughed
"mess with us again and that will BE your reputation here and for sure every pony will hate you for it!" the left laughing leaving Leo alone.
"stupid mares...the rich ones are always the snobbiest...and i will report them off..." he gets up off the ground weakly as he goes to the mirror. he sighed seeing his black eye "...i cant let my sisters see me like this...i don't want them to worry.."
he hides his black eye behind his mane and washes the blood off his face a bit, hoping to figure out a way for the mares to get what they deserve for tricking the stallions to do their dirty work.

:blue_heart:Artwork © by Awoken Artist and AnimeEmm [My DeviantArt]
:blue_heart:Bully Characters and the Stallions © by Awoken Artist and AnimeEmm [My DeviantArt]
:blue_heart:Characters Leo Mural is © by Awoken Artist and Snowy-Arc [DeviantArt]
7 people like this.
Princess Neon Synthwave
Now he has guardian pickup truck
Like August 19, 2018
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Princess Neon Synthwave
He gets 70% more respect and 70% attractiveness. He also loses an inch
Like August 19, 2018
Awoken Artist
Ah Lol
Like August 19, 2018
Princess Neon Synthwave
I feel like we should role play at some point
Like August 19, 2018
Silver Note
Fancy stuff. What inspired you to draw it?
Like August 19, 2018
Awoken Artist
Thanks. Oh it was actually a commission my best friend ordered from me. we actually talk to eachother on ideas and he commissioned me for the beginning story and he thought of commissioning me again and it was this commission piece. we had a high school story in mind for our ship pairing's kids like... View More
Like August 19, 2018
Looks like dark souls
Like October 13, 2018
Awoken Artist
pfffft. XD
Like October 13, 2018
City Bread
Inb4 school shooter
Like October 13, 2018