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Raven Sorrel
by on September 4, 2018
Seeing how here on CA you're only allowed to have one account per person, it can be a bit of a struggle if you want to RP as several different characters. One of the ways to work around this issue is with the neat function called Pages. Pages can be used for a bunch of other things too of course, like Ask blogs, fan pages, art pages and so on.
Essentially CA pages are like Facebook pages. And here today we're going to go over the basics of how to make a page and set it up!

First of all, you want to go to the Pages section of the site which can be found on Or if you want to find it yourself it's in the left menu if you scroll a little bit down.
From here you click the little green + icon at the top right of your screen. Clicking on it will reveal a small drop-down menu with a "Add New Page" button.
The next screen you'll be met with will look something like this:
As seen in the picture there are the following categories: Ponies, Entertainment, Brand or Product, Local Business or Place, Company, Organization or Institution, and Artist, Band or Public figure.
Click on one of these will take you to the next menu. Some of these have a ton of subcategories, so finding what you're looking for should be possible! (I was initially going to list the subcategories here, but there are way too many for me, sorry!)
After you've selected a category, subcategory and a name you'll be taken to the next page which looks like this:
Here you can edit all the page details. Since you've already set up your own account here on site this part should be pretty self-explanatory.
Once you're done editing the page info you click on the arrow in the top right to finalize everything and you'll be taken to your page. It will look something like this:
Now to make a post from your newly created page click on the top right drop-down menu. Here should be a "Login as Page" button:
Clicking that will make a little popup menu where you can pick and chose which page to log in as.
To log back in as your regular account you open up the same menu again and it'll allow you to "Log back in as yourself"

Do note that Pages can't view the feed the same way your regular account can. In fact, there are a lot of things you can't do when you're logged in as a page - keep that in mind.
I think that's all for now. If you have anything you'd like me to add, or any questions about Pages feel free to comment below!

As per usual, the link back to the guide hub can be found below:
7 people like this.
Silver Note
Thank you for the guide, Hickory. Perhaps what can be done next is setting up a page layout to look like a profile for a roleplaying character. Then again, this is something other people can do with experimenting on their own time.
Like September 4, 2018
Raven Sorrel
This has already kinda been attempted by at least one user. I've come up with another way to work multiple characters into one profile, I plan on making a blog about it sometime soon (whenever I get the time to do it).
Like September 4, 2018
Schwoopy Tail
I'll pay you
Like September 4, 2018