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Rover Wonder
by on September 10, 2018
Dear princess Celestia, as you advised a few days back, my most recent trip was around Equestria. You were right in saying this would be a nice change of pace for me, since I've started to get used to far away lands, and the places I went to this time were quite interesting.
I'm thankful for this advice, a bit of travel through this beautiful land can be quite calming and I needed this.
The neighagra falls were as beautiful as ever, and the sight from the Foal Mountain was majestic.
On my way back to Canterlot, I've passed through Ponyville, as always, and the little town seems to be as charming as ever, though the recent commotion seemed to have perturbed the locals. I will stay there a few days, and I will resume my travels.
In hope that this letter helps conveying the beauty of the land to you, since I know you spend most of your time in Canterot.
L'yh fkhfnhg rq wkh gliihuhqw sodfhv brx dvnhg ph, dqg wkhb vhhp ilqh. Wkh hqwudqfh ri Wduwduxv grhvhq'w vhhp wr eh gdpdjhg diwhu wkh uhfhqw... hyhqwv. Olnh zh glvfxvvhg, L zhqw wr wkh Euhhclh sruwdo dqg L glgq'w ghwhfw dqb pdjlfdo ohdn ru pdjlfdo sureohpv (wkdw olwwoh ghylfh brx jdyh ph zrunv zrqghu, eb wkh zdb). L dovr sdvvhg eb Srqhkhqjh dqg wkh Kroorz Vkdghv zkloh qhdu Irdo Prxqwdlq, dqg erwk vhhp ilqh (wkrxjk Kroorz Vkdghv pdgh ph txlwh xqhdvb). L'oo xvh wkh ihz gdbv L vshqg lq srqbylooh uhvhdufklqj wkh Wuhh ri Kduprqb, exw L grxew pxfk zloo frph ri wklv, vlqfh L'p qrw olqnhg wr lw. L'oo uhsruw edfn wr brx li lwv pdjlf lv shuwxuehg, wkrxjk.
L'oo nhhs brx lqiruphg rq wkh ghyhorsphqw ri pb uhvhdufk, lq krsh wkdw wkh odvw pdjlf lqflghqw glgq'w glvwxue dqb rwkhu sodfhv.
Uhsruwlqj, Vro Zdwfkhu
Sincerely, Rover Wonder