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Rover Wonder
by on September 14, 2018
Dear princess Celestia, as I told you in my last letter, I have been in Ponyville for the last few days. The little town is as lovely as ever, and seems to be even more thriving than the last time I came.
I went around, encountered some familiar faces, some familiar places, and I even got a chance to visit the recently opened School of Friendship. Princess Twilight Sparkle was kind enough as to allow me to explore the place as much a I'd like, as long as I didn't disturb the students and staff.
This school really is a wonder, and I even got to admire the relics left by so many different creatures that the school holds.
On another note, I took a trip through the Everfree forest to see your old castle, and even though it lost his former glory a long time ago, the place is still magnificent. Would it be possible if the next time I could go through the library? I'm sure I could find very interesting books in there, but I didn't want to intrude too much.
In any case, this place is so nice, so friendly, so charming, that I think I'm going to stay a bit longer before resuming my travels. I do feel like the environment helps me recharge before going back on the road.
Dv L vdlg lq wkh odvw ohwwhu, L'yh ehhq uhvhdufklqj wkh Wuhh ri Kduprqb iru wkh odvw ihz gdbv. L grq'w wklqn lw zdv dv shuwxuehg dv zh ihduhg, exw wkh ghylfh vhhphg wr ghwhfw vrph xqxvxdo pdjlf durxqg lw dqg lq rwkhu sodfhv, olnh wkh vfkrro, vrph vsrwv lq wkh iruhvw, ru sulqfhvv Wzloljkw'v fdvwoh. L grxew zh kdyh pxfk wr ihdu iru qrz, exw zh vkrxog vwloo eh zdub lq wkh ixwxuh.
Xqiruwxqdwhob, L frxogq'w shuihfwob lqyhvwljdwh, ehfdxvh ri wkh uhwxuq ri wkrvh whuuleoh khdgdfkhv... Iru wkh odvw ihz gdbv, wkhb'yh jurzq frqvlghudeob, dqg L ihho zhdnhu hyhubgdb. Wklv lv hyhq zruvh zkhq L jhw qhdu wkh wuhh... L ihho olnh L'p dwwudfwhg wr lw, exw dw wkh vdph wlph lw'v olnh lw... frqvflrxvob uhmhfwv pb suhvhqfh? Ru lv lw pb lqyhvwljdwlrq? L mxvw krsh L'p qrw jhwwlqj dwwudfwhg wr srzhu djdlq...
Zkdwhyhu wkh uhdvrq, L wklqn L zloo qhhg d ihz pruh gdbv wr uhvhdufk wkh srwhqwldo pdjlfdo dqrpdolhv khuh, dv wkh khdgdfkhv dqg zhlug ihholqjv vorz ph grzq (dqg L wklqn L'p jrlqj wr qhhg vrph wlph wr iruwlib pbvhoi phqwdoob)
Rq dqrwkhu qrwh, zkhq lq sulqfhvv Wzloljkw'v vfkrro, L'yh fkhfnhg wkh Wkh Khop ri Bnvohu, Wkh Furzq ri Juryhu, Wkh Vkhoo ri Nqxfnhuerfnhu dqg ... khuu... kxp... L fdq'w uhfdoo wkh rwkhuv qdphv... Zhoo, qr pdwwhu, L fkhfnhg doo vla duwlidfwv, dqg wkhb glgq'w vhhp wr diihfwhg eb wkh uhfhqw hyhqwv, wkrxjk L glg ihho vrph pdjlf durxqg wkhp. L dovr doprvw jrw fdxjkw eb d ihz vwxghqwv zkloh uhvhdufklqj wkh vfkrro'v fdwdfrpe, lqfoxglqj d gudjrq dqg d bdn wkdw pdgh ph ihho... dznzdug. Wkh vhqvdwlrq nlqg ri uhplqghg ph ri zkdw L ihow qhdu wkh wuhh, exw L'p suredeob plvwdnhq... L vxssrvh L'oo iroorz brxu dgylfh dqg uhvw ehiruh frqwlqxlqj.
Ehiruh L ilqlvk, L zrxog olnh wr dvn brx, lv lw uhdoob zlvh wr nhhs sulqfhvv Wzloljkw rxw ri wklv? L'p qrw frqwhvwlqj brxu ghflvlrqv, dqg L nqrz wkh vhfuhwlyh dvshfw ri pb plvvlrqv vhuyh qrw wr vfduh ru dqjhu dqbsrqb, exw vhhlqj krz vwurqj khu olqn lv wr wkh wuhh, L ihho olnh vkh kdv wkh uljkw wr nqrz wkdw L'p lqyhvwljdwlqj lw... Dqg lw zrxog pdnh lw hdvlhu iru ph wr uhvhdufk, zlwkrxw qhhglqj wr vqrrs durxqg.
Dqbzdb, dv dozdbv L zloo nhhs brx lqiruphg,
Uhsruwlqj, djhqw Vro zdwfkhu.
With my best regards, Rover Wonder.