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by on September 21, 2018
Description: An android pony with the shape of an earth pony stallion. Is mostly unpainted, but from the neck-up he is red. Scratches cover most of the surface, and has thick black bands around the upper part of each leg. The eyes are made up of blue “eyelid” shutters to protect the cameras and to simulate blinking, and a red glowing pupil that contains the cameras that provide vision. LR-77 has normal vision, night-vision, x-ray, and thermal vision channels. His mane and tail are made up of synthetic carbon nanotubes that form a hair-like structure that is stiffer than normal hair. In place of a mouth, LR-77 has a voice box that emits sound and speech. The screen on the side of the voice-box shows the level of the sound output, and the light above that shows what tone of speech and whether or not the speaker is active.. The ears are moveable and contain high-powered microphones that can detect a broad range of soundwaves. On LR-77’s back, there are three light grey bands. These can be lifted off to uncover a charging port (to charge other items), multiple ports for interface with computers and the like, and a port to attach data storage equipment. On LR-77’s sides, there are doors that open to reveal the electronic innards, including the power core and storage systems. On each leg, there is a light grey stripe that shows where the hoof can be extended to reveal a variety of tools, ranging from high-powered weapons (including missiles, hoof-held high-power cannons, hoof-held blasters, and energy blades) to basic construction, cooking, and medical equipment (i.e. blender, drill, defibrillator, etc.). On the flank is the model number and serial code. The metallic cover of the entire body is very strong and resistant to offensive-type unicorn magic, melee weapons, blasters, kinetic-type weapons that fire projectiles, laser and concentrated-energy weapons (though only for a period of up to 1 minute of continued beams from a high-powered laser weapon), and electric-based weaponry/magic. Has a built-in shield generator that protects the robot from taking direct damage immediately, since even the strongest armor cannot hold out forever.
Programming: LR-77 is originally a combat robot built to be used as a juggernaut-type unit on the battlefield, or to be used as a very strong bodyguard. Has been repurposed by Zaten for more average, everyday use. Still retains very high combat abilities. Is a great cook. Has an independent AI mind that can learn new things. Has 2 speech settings:
Setting 1, normal speech: speaks like what your everyday android would speak like.
Setting 2, less-normal speech: starts sentences with the word that describes what the sentence is supposed to be
Personality: Is mostly a happy droid that makes the occasional joke that mostly nopony gets because it’s usually related to something computer-ey. Can get very hostile if agitated, and if threatened during this state, will usually respond with a hoof-cannon pointed at the threat’s head, or an energy blade held at the threat’s throat. Is fiercely protective of its friends and will defend them at a moment’s notice. Given the nickname “Leeroy”.
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is it okay that i categorized it as technology because its about a droid OC
Like September 21, 2018 Edited