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Last you saw me Rose was when I left to quell a rumor. That rumor, of a pocket dimension right under the princesses noses, turns out to be true. They call it Canterlot Avenue and it’s an amazing place really! There are all kinds of ponies and creatures from so many places. I’ve seen abilities I can’t begin to explain! Yet that’s not all, I’ve made friends...many amazing friends and I can’t wait till you can see it for yourself. In any case attached to the bottom of this letter is all my documents so far made here more will come. Can’t wait to see you here.
Your closest friend and reporter,
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Java Tales
Java watched him write the letter, curious, but keeping a respectful distance.
Like October 7, 2018
Script Anonymous Cone Lord Lord of all Cones
Hello you want something?
Like October 7, 2018
Java Tales
He smiled. "Nope. Just having some coffee before going home to bed."
Like October 7, 2018