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by on October 11, 2018
Talking to a wall is nice-it will listen,
and it certainly won’t talk back
but what makes blinds so different?
they’ve a story to tell though a tongue they lack.
Behind their odd corrugation,
a silently spoken tale, it calls
a promise of a future yet to be fulfilled-
but still-crying wordlessly louder, the walls.
The walls that remember each word that was said,
that bore silent witness to the longing within;
the longing for something beyond those walls,
yet refusal to the blinds-to let the light outside in.
The trepidation of the resident inside those walls
of a future uncertain and a purpose unclear
a desire to open up those blinds and look out
yet their will quickly overwhelmed, nay quashed by fear.
Will the hand that ceaselessly searches for more
ever lift to the pull that will end that plea
the blinds once melded with unresponsive walls
opened to reveal destiny.
Topics: poetry, original