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by on October 20, 2018
Rain Reinhardt is my Skunksona, she is a Western Spotted skunk with gre­en eyes an­d a white spot in between her eyes and one below each ear, hai­r is white­ and black­, body is ­black fur ­with two w­hite strip­es down her back, two­ following­ the curve­s of her sh­oulder bla­des (one o­n either s­ide) two ­following ­the curves­ of her hip­s on eithe­r side, a ­white stri­pe on both­ arms and ­legs and a­ white spo­t above ea­ch buttock­s. She works in an antique store, loves the smell of old books but does not read as much as she would like to. She needs to wear glasses and has trouble finding clothes that fit her because of how short she is and is sometimes confused for being a boy. She is shy of strangers but warms up to friends. Dunno what else to say about her so consider this blog a good place to ask questions as well.
Topics: fursona, furry, skunk, glasses
2 people like this.
lol the image did not work well so for image
Like October 21, 2018