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by on October 24, 2018
Chansity is a very tall and thin light grey unicorn with silver-looking hair. Her height is compatible to a stallion, and perhaps her thin figure might make her seem much taller. With a very long and elegant mane, it drags along the floor as she walks. Yet due to the fact she dosn't often leave her home, it remains clean and tidy. Oddly enough, her tail is the exact opposite of her mane, very short. As she walks, her head will stay angled towards the floor. If spoken to, her eyes will never meet yours.
Chansity is a very shy mare, though of course there is more to her than her anxieties. Perhaps if getting to know her, you'd see her hard-working nature. This mare tends to take challenges in stride, and avoids easy solutions. A very caring soul, even if socializing with other ponies seems to be a hassle, she will never turn away from a pony in need.
Chansity primarily works as a singer. Odd, considering her shy nature. Though as the mark on her flank reads, singing is her special talent. Usually Chansity is hired for parties, the gala, weddings, and other jobs in need of nice pipes.
Yet, when she is not singing, she is studying magic. You could always find her absorbed in a book, expanding her knowledge on magic facts and theories. Also, she has a black cat named Mei.
Coming from a family of powerful mages, she of course was expected to be one as well. Ready for the challenges ahead, this unicorn spent most of her time studying and practicing magic. No time for friends, her future was far more important. Yet after getting into a well known magic school, she did meet some pony who peaked her interest. This stallion introduced her into the world of music. During this, she would be caught singing in her free time, or humming her favorite tune. Due to her sudden interest in music, she slowly stopped paying attention to her studying. Somehow, music was taking her into a whole other world in which she couldn't escape from. Attending concerts, looking into music classes, she was hooked. This made her grades downfall. It was very unlike her to let her grades slips from her focus. She was greatly devastated after finding out she was failing, and this finally snapped her back in place.
-Forgetting the world of music she was introduced to, and the pony that introduced it to her, back into the world she knew. Studying. Once her grades were up, she met up with the stallion once again, and he encouraged her to sing at the gala, and though she made a hasty decline, he somehow roped her into it. Being a nervous wreck, she nearly messed up her performance, but she soon found her flow. All the ponies were cheering her on and asking for more and she loved it! She loved the praise, she loved the rhythm, she loved expressing herself in such a beautiful way! She got her cutie mark at that day. For a long while, nothing else mattered. Not studying, not impressing her parents. Just this moment of pure bliss.
-When she got home, she examined the magical mark that appeared on her flank.
Chanisty was happy, until, she spotted her books in the corner of the room. Books of Magic. Magic school, Advanced Spells for Unicorns, Magic theory, what was she doing? Had Chansity studied her whole life about magic only for it to be put to waste? What about her parents? What would they think, providing all of these things for her future in magic only for her to turn her back on it? So, the mare resorted to having singing be her side job, while magic studies take the forefront.
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