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by on October 24, 2018
Lavi is a medium height, pale coated mare with purple eyes and posture that speaks volumes. The very long mane of Lavi is a majority of pale pink, with purple streaks in some areas. Throughout her speak, her head is held high. As she walks, confidence leaks from her.
Lavi is a strong working mare with a desire to provide for herself! very energetic and ready to please, this one. Though she loves to help others, she is no pushover. If you try to take advantage of her, she will put up quite the fight. Along with this, she is stubborn and will always stick by her methods until proven wrong.
Nicknames include: Vi, Avi, Lav.
Lavi is an earth pony mare living in Canterlot. The home she resides in doubles as a shop, dealing with alchemy, although her main business is her maid service, Sparkling Services. Ponies can simply walk in and request her services, or other maids that work with her.
If you are alright with a slightly modified version of Equestria, phone numbers can be of use to call the store without walking in.
Often times, she takes trips to Ponyville for an assortment of reasons. Be it shopping, visiting friends, or simply to travel. Yet most of her time is spent in her shop, operating her maid business.
Though her passion has always been alchemy, it seems it won't pay the bills. Though she is disappointed her talent is not enough to provide for her, she is content with doing what she loves on the side, while her real money maker, her maid service, keeps her afloat.
Sparkling Services
Sparkling Services offers many services to the public! While it resides in Canterlot, adverts tend to travel into Ponyville. Looking for workers!
Services Include:
-Quick cleans (Does anypony really want to clean up after a wild party? Luckily, you don't need to!)
-In house cleaning (Need to clean your house but too busy?)
-Personal maid for a limited time (Run a messy business inside your home? Children always dirtying the place?)
-Problem Solving Program (Have a problem? Perhaps we could be of assistance.)
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Creamy Canvas
Cute pone
Like August 29, 2021