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Queen Chrysalis
by on December 6, 2017
Tuesday, 5th Hearth's Warming Moon, 7th year a.L.r.
Changeling Life-span
I noticed that over the past centuries the life-span of my changelings has increased.
I never really changed the rate at which I laid eggs nor the amount. There have not been mamy losses either.
I do remember when my changelings lived for 30 years on average.
That has changed. Now the average life-span is 50 years. That is an increase of 20 years over the past 500 years. Weirdly enough that could mean I am not much older than 1500 years.
Either that of there has been a time where I have not been a changeling myself.
However, my changelings live longer and that means there are more changelings around at the same time,
which also explains why we do not have nearly as much food as we used to have and need to seek out for new sources. I have a very bad suspicion..

Saturday, 2nd Hearth's Warming Moon, 7th year a.L.r.
Magical Artifacts - The Mirror
Twilight Sparkle is in possession of a mirror that works like a portal into another reality. I recently got my hooves on it, sort of.
I experienced its effects first hoof. The thing is, it is a very fixed spell, like a wormhole that leads out of our realm into another point on the axis of the 5th dimension. It basically is connected to another point on that axis and thus only leads to one single other point in a different realm.
Using machines though, Twilight was able to force the connection that otherwise only appeared when certain celestial criteria where met.
Unaware of the connection between those machines and the mirror I tried to destroy the machines to get my hooves on the mirror, but ironically the destruction caused a magical explosion, that rewired the mirror's connection. The wormhole unfolded and reconnected to a point on the 7th dimension, meaning it connected to
a point in a realm that is not only an alternate version of our world but an alternate version that relies on an alternate past and has developed into a different direction. And the explosion threw Twilight and me into this world.
Twilight had no idea what or how it happened, and unlike me she lacked the understanding of higher dimensions. Lucky for me because of that she needed my knowledge and my magic to help building a device, to bring us back home. Our idea was to use a similar mirror in that other reality. Using only that and our magic we managed to figure out a one-way method to escape that.
What we have seen in this alternative reality? I might write about that another time. I have to admit that I would not have been able to make it back without Twilight, though. That doesn't mean I like her.
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