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by on December 8, 2018
I love to delete my own shit that's not good enough because I want people to see what's worth seeing. And unfortunately, I realized on October 30, 2012 that tournament videos aren't worth seeing on Youtube anymore. Being a tournament video uploader has made me keep track of a lot of dates, so I know when things happened. The 1st of my regrets was deleting the grand finals of a small tournament on May 26, 2014. It was probably the 1st time I ever drank a Monster. I lost to Frozenflame in winners semis and faced him again in grand finals. And after taking a sip before every round, my skill just exploded. I played so gutsy and so differently than before. We would play games of chicken of who can get as close to the opponent without attacking. It was filled with aggressive baits between us to make each other counter feints. It was awesome. I really wish I could rewatch what I did to learn from it and maybe use it as a little teaching tool for the competitive community
But that was 1.5 years after I deleted almost all of my tournament videos because I realized no 1 else watched them. And I eventually deleted that set too, maybe only a month after it happened
The other deleted tournament set, I don't know when it happened. Searching for the date is going to take too long. But it's somewhere out there on 1 of my online accounts. It was at another tournament before and the 2 best players had to leave early, leaving only my best friend and I in grand finals. It was only a tournament of 8 players and we fought each other. He won grand finals, 3-1. I take that 1 round win with pride. He's always been leagues above me throughout our entire careers and it's just when I reached the closest to his skill when he was seriously trying with his best character. Taking a legitimate round off him was nice. We hold a lot of respect for each other ♥
If you're ever going to archive something with videos or pictures, have the foresight to predict what will have a lot of sentimental value. Otherwise, enjoying the moments without distractions is better than archiving for nothing. I've done it for 6 years + a few scattered months. If you archive so much, the value of each thing will diminish. Still, sometimes something great gets saved and hidden among everything else
Topics: smash bros