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by on January 16, 2019
More about prisoners for the horror rp group, Asylum.
Prisoners make up the bulk of the cast for this dreary journey; while not the most influential, they are certainly the heart of the roleplay!
Each prisoner is unique to themselves. Why you're captive isn't known to anyone other than yourself. In addition to whatever baggage your oc brings, try to pick up an additional trait or so! The list is just there to help you think of interesting traits that offer weakness, characterization, and diversity but feel free to choose your own! If there's a trait you think is interesting please tell me! There's a fair chance I'll add it to the list.
Extreme fears:
Nyctophobia (Darkness)
Phonophobia (Noises) / Misophonia (specific noises)
Entomophobia (Insects)
Cleithrophobia (Confinement)
Frigophobia (Cold)
Kleptomaniac (hard to resist urges to steal)
Hallucination (auditory, visual, or other)
Generally your goal is to escape imprisonment. You might earn it by helping the facility members or perhaps by stealing a gun and fighting your way through. Maybe the guard fell asleep and you sneak off by yourself; be wary of the things that lurk! If you're feeling particularly stalwart perhaps you could help to free another prisoner?
1 person liked this.
What about monophobia? The fear of being alone?
Like March 12, 2019
That's a super great one ^^ I'll add it later, currently I'm on mobile X3
Like March 12, 2019
Ok, and lol me too
Like March 12, 2019 Edited