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Maxh Vezpyre
by on January 16, 2019
The art of Malediction.
Prohibited, forgotten to time, volatile, dangerous, life-threatening, this are but a few warnings when dealing with this type of magic, the mother of all curses, corruptions, obscure summonings, all of them comes from one principle, to harm or inflict several damage.
Warlocks, Witches, Voodoo practitioners, all of them possess an array of knowledge and many of them have paid the ultimate price to obtain such strength, a life or a chunk of their own, or countless lives from different sources.
The only way one could obtain great advancement in this type of learning, is by being or becoming immortal, where it could sap your lifeforce for all eternity in exchange of great power, it is the reason many warlocks overtime cheated death by soulstoring themselves in great sarcophagus, they went through rigorous rituals in order to extend their lives, for this parasitic magic to continue it's course of power granting, they tricked the very source of magic into tapping it's nature infinitely.
Some would resurrect themselves as powerful undead, a Lich, finding a way to continue growing without the Grim Reaper's bothersome appearance.
Along the lines, the Sanguine themselves found this magic to suit them best, by being already immortal beings, they utilized this dark power for their advantage, becoming fearsome warlocks on their times, to find new ways to control their hunger, or control someone by far distances, even to the point of being immune to the same sun light.
Malediction is actually the root of everything that is evil, from a small lie, to extinguish an innocent life, everything on that regard has the potential to become magic, a curse.
Practitioners of malediction often finds themselves troubled, or better known as crazed wizards, someone who lost any reasoning and well being onto caring about nothing but to obtain more power, they want to utilize anything and anyone for their own magical prowess increase, even by this, dark practitioners often shows themselves with a withered look, fragile bodies that looks like they could turn into dust by a single touch, do not be fooled by their ancient appearances, they could obliterate the very area beneath your body by a single lift of a limb, charging directly into a powerful master of the dark arts could be the last action you'll ever perform as a living being.
Discretion is advice for young curse learners in this establishment.
Mayor Warning
Although this school grants free information about basic curses, and warlock spells, dark magics WILL take your life force in exchange of mastering it's destructive nature, and most of the times shall take it without your consent. If by any chance you start to notice the following:
- Aging,
- Absurdly tiredness.
- Progressive Blindness.
- Hair Withering.
- Unexpected sickness.
Make sure to visit our healers for a thoroughly cleanse.
The School doesn't take responsibility for your own actions, even if they result in your own demise, utilizing dark magic against students or teachers inside the establishment, will result in a permanent exile from Arabian lands, the warnings have been granted, and you have been notified.
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