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by on December 7, 2017
I'm a Cake pony and while many can infer what that means I have some Cake Pony facts for y'all :D
Cake ponies regenerate
Whats better than a cake you can eat forever? NOTHING :D
Cake ponies are not hurt from being consumed
They feel many sensations when being eaten depending on where they are bit but pain is not one of them ^_^
Cake Ponies cannot consume themselves
A cake pony cannot eat itself, it lacks the ability to even "taste" itself. but if a cake pony was to consume itself it would not give it the nutrition it would need, it would have no taste and they would feel pain and not be able to regenerate. So as delicious as a cake pony may be it can never know this for sure.
What can a Cake pony eat?
Cake ponies can eat anything ecept for other cake ponies or themselves, it takes the nutrition from whatever it consumes which means a cake pony would rather eat candy or fruit than grass or dirt. Sucrose become the sugar in the Cake pony and such. Same with drinks.
How often does a cake pony need to eat?
A cake pony needs to eat depending on how often it needs to regenerate, a cake pony that is never consumed in part will need less food than a pony who is consumed often. And a cake pony that never eats will eventually have more and more difficulty regenerating.
Do cake ponies go to the bathroom?
yes they do, their waste is not made of the same thing as other ponies. You are a degenerate if you want to know more about their waste.
Can a cake pony and a normal pony have a foal?
No, their bits do not produce the same ingredients a non cake pony would need. everything a cake pony produces is sweet based and not compatible with normal pony anatomy. Two cake ponies can "bake" a foal in a similar fashion that normal ponies use to produce offspring.
If there is anything else you wanna know about cake ponies just ask me ^_^
7 people like this.
Reapor Valheart
what about Devouring liquids? is it the same to?
Like December 11, 2017
same, the sugars in the liquids get converted into cake ingrediants
Like December 11, 2017
Reapor Valheart
and also eating the said cake pony doesnt have to be taken that way since i think they mostly feel is to make others happy by eating them piece by piece as its who they are. and i mean not all cake ponies will be like that some can get defensive and youd need to ask permission ^^
Like December 11, 2017
you got it :D
Like December 11, 2017
*noms the cake ponies ear*
Like December 24, 2017
Berry Batty and Pine Applepress
I have found god itself
Like January 26, 2018