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Queen Chrysalis
by on December 7, 2017
or Part one of my background story

The past - Before Luna's banishment 1
Star Swirl was still very young, and his beard not longer than a few inches when he began to write theories about the universe and that there might be ways to break time and space using magic. It was the act of moving the sun and the moon that let him age very quickly and in his thirties he already looked like an elderly pony with a long, white beard.
Star Swirl, better known as Star Swirl the Bearded, "The most important conjurer of the pre-classical era". Centuries ago, before Luna had been banished to the moon, when the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters was still located within the Everfree Forest, Star Swirl was one of five court wizards of the Royal family. He and the other wizards lead the group of unicorns controlling the seasons and the sun and moon. Sun and Moon had soon been taken over by Celestia and Luna though since Star Swirl and the other unicorns seemed to be severely drained by the task, they had aged rapidly. The two alicorns have taken over this tasks since alicorns work differently, gaining more power instead of losing it when casting alicorn magic which was needed to move the celestial bodies in the sky, they had soon been adopted by the Royal Family that ruled over Equestria. A family that consisted of Princess Platinum, Commander Hurricane, Chancellor Puddinghead, their mates and children. They had seen the two alicorns as heroes and saviors, which they turned out to be when Discord and others tried to destroy what Equestria had become.
At this time Star Swirl had an assistant, a young mare with a lavender coat and a black mane. Her name was Lucid Dreams, her talent: a very good understanding for science. She had made many attempts to flirt with Star Swirl, at first unnoticed, but due to her ideas, her intelligence, he finally noticed her and soon fell in love. Though, his love for her was not as big as his love and passion for magic.
With the help of Celestia, and assisted by Lucid Dreams Star Swirl build the magical mirror that could be used as a portal to other realities by bending some of the higher dimensions. It was full of flaws and for several years they were not able to figure out how to get it to work properly. Eventually it was abandoned by Starswirl. Luna and Celestia kept the mirror though.
Around this time Star Swirl began to notice odd things about his assistant. She had been very clingy and acted harsh towards others, she had barely ever eaten in his presence. Further observations gave Star Swirl the idea to to get his own assistant drunk so she would be more open to his questions, maybe he could find out what she was hiding. It turned out that his assistant, his muse and lover was a parasite that later was given the name changeling. And it was not just a changeling but the Mother of all changelings. It was a discovery for ponies and Star Swirl was later the first pony to write a book about changelings naming the one he had met personally the Queen of all changelings as she had described herself. The changeling Queen vanished after her cover had been blown, she did not seem evil but she certainly had no feelings for Star Swirl. And for a long time, no one was able to find her or any of her subjects.
Star Swirl got over this disappointment, his heart had been in pain but not for long his heart had always belonged to science. Not long after the incident he was in euphoria, he had come up with a new theory that could make the magical mirror work. And it did. In the following years he, Luna and Celestia visited a few realities, bringing some unique and powerful artifacts back to their own as well as sent the dangerous sirens into a world without magic. Star Swirl lived for more than hundred years, some say his powerful magic was the reason he got so old. Others say he was working on a spell to grant himself immortality but it didn’t work out. He was indeed working on such a spell, a spell to not only grant him immortality but also unbelievable amounts of power. Although he knew a formula that seemed promising, he lacked a kind of energy he could use as input for the spell. More than a thousand years later Twilight Sparkle finished this spell by utilizing the magic of friendship as the needed power input. Even after her second attempt Chrysalis was still not aware of the existence of the mirror she had assisted in creating.