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Rainbow Chaser
by on March 18, 2019
The thread I had with the Prince was interesting so I thought I would post it.
Me: Fiancee huh, I could say something rude but I won't. Personal I think having a kid before marriage is immoral, but you do you, prince.
March 14, 2019
Prince Artemis: "You could say something rude related to my Fiancee?" He crossed his wings, putting the book down.
March 14, 2019
Me: No. I'm just saying about the whole child before marriage thing. I'm not religious, it's just a personal belief. No disrespect.
March 14, 2019
Inigo: Inigo gently patted the Prince. "Don't waste the energy."
March 14, 2019
Prince Artemis: "If there was no disrespect around it, then why even bring it up saying you look to it as 'Immoral'? It's pretty passive aggressive." He wasn't sure where this was coming from, but he was not a fan.
March 14, 2019
Me: All I'm saying is some might view this as uncouth, and might start questioning the moral of their prince.
March 14, 2019
Prince Artemis: " 'Moral' of their Prince? As if it really matters to them? As if they can't see that their Prince is happy? As if I give a damn about what they think?!" He took a breath to calm himself. He can't get mad. Not now.
March 14, 2019
Me: Believe it or not, the moral of a prince should be the most important factor that the peoples should consider. If we had an immoral prince, we would have a bad prince. And you should be concerned, as the prince, as to what YOUR people think about you.
March 14, 2019
Prince Artemis: "I would take the assumption that the majority of ponies are Happy for me and my Fiancee. Meaning that the likeness is in the majority. The rest? They can piss off about it." He spoke calmly.
March 14, 2019
Me: You could do that, but you would run into doubt, not truly knowing what the majority of ponies actually feel. You have to include those who won't say anything due to the fear of being persecuted.
March 14, 2019
Prince Artemis: "I'm sitting here. Trying to figure out how to prepare myself for the absolute joy that it is going to be to raise a daughter of my own. A living being that came from me? A soul that I'm going to try my absolute best to raise and love with all of my heart. And you decided to come in here, make a passive comment about how it's immoral. Then go on about how ponies will look poorly on it, completely just doing something that is uncalled for and ruining a very special moment for me. You are terrible." Yeah, the Prince wasn't in a happy place.
March 14, 2019
Me: I apologize I have made you unhappy, but as a citizen, I have my right to voice my concerns. I still wish you luck in raising this daughter of yours (and trust me your going to need it), and excuse my comments if they seemed rude. But the only good monarchy is one where the people can both voice their opinions an are represented.
March 15, 2019
Prince Artemis: "Citizens can voice an opinion on royal matter or concerns. But this currently is not royal business. This is personal business. And I know what you might want to say. 'Well since the child is going to be royalty, then it's the citizens business', but that doesn't apply to right now. We are talking about a family. It's like if I was to talk ill of you having a child? Would that make you happy?" He asked calming down.
March 15, 2019
Me: First of all you would need a reason for saying these things. I won't be having kids of my own, I will be married to another stallion, so this wouldn't even apply to me. What would your reason be for talking ill?
March 15, 2019
Prince Artemis: "It wasn't supposed to be taken literal, but fine. Poor example." He gave a sigh. "Honest question. Do you despise your Princes?"
March 15, 2019
Me: No, I do not. I despise neither you nor the princess nor the new addition. I just don't agree with how it came about. Believe me in saying I wish you luck in your new journey. Now for the advice. the advice I give you comes from the things I've noticed from my late mother, she didn't raise me and my 5 sisters doing nothing. Even in your busy schedule, you need t make time for her, even when you don't want to (and there will be times when you will not want to). And a common problem is most monarchs teach their kids what they 'are.', the top tier, better than everyone. DON'T DO THAT. Even though she will be the next princess she must know she should treat and fell that hear and her subject are equal. One is not more important than the other. This is what makes a good leader, equality and fairness.
March 15, 2019
Prince Artemis: "D-Do you think I'm a monarch?" He spoke as that kinda stuck with him. Yes, of course, he'd take that advice in advance, since he planned to do that anyways. But did ponies think he was a monarch? Well given his past it wouldn't surprise him. He just gave it a shrug.
March 15, 2019
Me: In short, yes I think you are a monarch. I think you would make a good monarch. Just remember everything.
March 15, 2019
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