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Crystal Summer
by on March 29, 2019
Crystal looked up at the reporter, both had exchanged their apologies, and had taken a moment to let the storm settle down, changing their heavy topics of the interview to simple small talk for a moment, though now that both of them had fully regained themselves, they picked up where they had left, only a few more questions before the powder blue mare could finally let it all go, though she had asked the moment that everything had been smoothed over, the one thing she could not change was the outcome that would follow, the words that were said were too valuable for the reporter to let go, not wanting to start another round of frustration she had chosen to let this slip, she had enough emotional stress for one day already, no need to add to it.
A few of the questions that followed, required her to keep herself in check again, the reporter had asked and even stated that her temper seemed to be somewhat similar to that of the noble, though the reporter also managed to take a hint from a simple narrowing of her eyes and instantly dropped the topic again, when they finally arrived to the questions of how she found out about her passion for swordsmanship, a smile played on her lips again as she replied in a softer tone now,
'' two very dear friends of mine, they tend to practice at least one or two hours each day, and as a small girl i absolutely enjoyed watching them, so much even that i slipped out during a few lessons with my teacher, of course that would not go unnoticed by either of them''
a fond smile showed on her lips as she thought back about those days.
Crystal waited patiently as their drinks were refilled, before she continued her story on how she discovered her passion for swordsmanship, '' after missing quite some lessons, they decided it was time for a small intervention, though they knew how much i enjoyed watching them practice, and how enthusiastic i was about even the history of it all, they decided to offer me a chance to try it for myself, as long as i would start to follow my regular daily lessons, i would receive training and lessons on swordsmanship during the weekends, i was absolutely ecstatic about the offer, and worked harder then even to be able to keep practicing on the weekends, eventually it became clear that i picked up the fencing lessons quite quickly, quicker even then my normal lessons, and two more hours were added into the week'' she remembered how surprised yet proud they had been about her pace in learning, how 4 hours a week eventually was slowly build up to almost daily practice, an hour each night, it was what had brought her onto her current daily schedule, she had loved each moment of it and still did to this day.
For a moment a small grin played on her lips ''it came as no surprise to either of us, that my cutie mark appeared during my first match with one of them, it was supposed to be a test to see how much i had learned and what needed improvement, i managed to keep up with my friend just fine, and the moment i managed to swipe the tissue from his breast pocket, my cutie mark made itself known to me, i had never been so excited not even when i was told that i could train with them'' the warmth and joy those memories had brought up, had melted the formal mask the mare always put on, showing genuine excitement, warmth but most of all passion for what she enjoyed above all else...swordsmanship.
As the interview came to an end, and both ponies each went their separate ways, Crystal her smile remained for the rest of the day, recalling each moment of her training and the joy of it all, the moments she shared with her dearest friends and loved ones, making her forget about the outburst she had earlier, and the reason of the outburst itself, at least until the magazine was published a month later, reminding her of the Pandora's box that had been opened, the harsh reality brought back to her as blue azure eyes met gold/brown ombre.
2 people like this.
Acry Weaver (Inactive)
Ooooh, so good!!! <3
Like March 29, 2019
Crystal Summer
now wondering if i should fill up on the cliffy with a news story or wait a little bit longer~
Like March 29, 2019