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Solar Swift
by on April 1, 2019
How do I become good at role playing? I’m not one with much experience doing rp and would like some advice. (Solar)
1 person liked this.
Phantom Mane
I would say, based off my personal experience, the most important thing to have is a plan. It doesn't have to be super detailed but you need a direction at least. Often I find things just flow naturally based off the other person's reactions.
Like April 1, 2019
Tick Tock
Yea, if you send me a PM I'd be up for RPing. I'm in an RP with an old friend and I have been scince the ponysquare era.
Like April 1, 2019
Solar Swift
Sure! But I’ll tell you it ain’t gonna be easy for me saying its my first time.
Like April 1, 2019
Tick Tock
That's okay :-)
Like April 1, 2019

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