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Ambient Waves
by on April 23, 2019
Fact 1
Ambient acts differently depending on which sister she is with.
When she's alone she normally is herself a curious little spunge, always eager to learn either doing something stupid or such.
With Midnight, Ambient is more playful and likes to do pranks.
With Azure, Ambient is refined and well controlled and almost regal.
Fact 2
Ambient can't use any magic, as her nerves that send signals to her horn grew in her tails from the confusing mix of Fox and Pony DNA causing them to grow where her tail was giving her the ability to control magic.
Fact 3
Ambients tails are controlled mentally but use magic meaning they can not function with no magic.
Fact 4
Her tails are sensitive to stuff when she is caught off guard!
Example:Step on them and you'll find yourself 1,000 feet under or more!
Fact 5.
Ambient drinks chocolate milk for the fact I reminds her of when she was at home in Devka by her adopter Acallia, Princess of Zypher Kingdom with somepony who actually cared and taught her things. This is also how she became a Diplomat and also a Massuse.
Fact 6.
The spa she owns 'The Deep Abyss' is located on the outskirts of White tail wood, as the area it is built in is diplomatic property of Devka as part of a agreement between Acallia and the Royals of Equestria, as Acallia was wanting to get Ambient away from her brother who has deep feelings for Ambient and was actually planning a siege on the Zephyr Castle where Ambient was.