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Princess Neon Synthwave
by on May 22, 2019
It was nearly five decades since the return of the Crystal Empire. Ponies were still using magic at this point in time to say the least. That was until one day while in the Empire's mines. Deep down into the caves sat a source like no other. A crystallized liquid that glowed red when touched. It was eventually discovered that this substance was double the power of the Prince's as well as discord. It was an odd find at first due to how the Crystal Heart accepted it. It definitely was more powerful than any magic ever seen. Almost as soon as it was found, ponies wasted no time in mining this powerful resource. New technology came out. Ships that could cross the country in a matter of a few hours, weapons that overpowered anything they used before, artificial intelligence and so much more. Ponies could even be injected with it to make them stronger and able to perform most tasks other wouldn't. This didn't mean that it didn't have opposition. Ponies that still used magic hated the new substance and how it tried to kill magic. Some groups even tried sabotaging operations and what not. This didn't stop production until it completely stopped suddenly. Ponies weren't allowed near any mines containing it, ships that had it were confiscated by an anonymous company, only a select number of ponies were injected and finally the empire went under siege. After a few years, something finally did come up. Cities were being wiped out one by one and assimilated into submission. First the empire, then Manehattan, Fillydelphia and so much more. Magic users were given a choice to either give up their magic or be killed. This caused a mass exodus to Canterlot which went under siege like the empire. Only they kept themselves shielded with magic until they felt safe. This didn't stop them...
Topics: story, lore
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