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Jaden Peace/ Prince Ralsei
by on December 7, 2017
Hey guys its Jade, finally now that the site is out i can finally continue my Rp's and Story writing. And as a Treat, here is the first part to my current story 'The Fall Of Peace'
in this story Jade and Ember experience what happens when multiverses collide, //Keep in mind that this is not part of the main cannon for Jade and Co.//
Part 1: The Fateful Encounter
The blond stallion coughed as the smoke from the burning buildings and bodies seared his throat and nostrils, making his eyes water. Staff Sergeant Jade Peace along with his commander First Lieutenant Glinting Blade, Corporal Ember Resenhof, Specialist Code Cracker and two Privates named Cal and Yin Yang arrived here to provide help to a city caught in a firestorm relief and shelter. From what they can tell, there were no survivors. Jade spoke up “Sir I think we may end up empty hoofed.” Glinting looked at the Staff Sergeant. “You may be right Jade. This place looks completely fried.”
“Extra Crispy if you ask me.” Ember said as he looked over one of the burnt corpses. “This looks like it was done by me.” Jade gave a small nod and looked around. The place did have some buildings that were still standing, The Corporal was actually surprised that those were standing. Being a fire breathing dragon, you tend to know how fire works. “So where should we start? I don’t think just calling out will solve anything here.” Ember opened his wings wanting to fly and look for any survivors. The Lieutenant looked at Ember. “You and Jade fly up and look for anypony. Code and Yin Yang walk around on hoof. Cal and I will set up camp here.” Just as he said that Ember took off, leaving Jade to catch up. Jade just gave a small sigh as he flew after the impatient dragon. Code and Yin Yang headed to the northern marketplace. “So what do you think?” Yin looked at him. “About what?” The Stallion looked confused. “About this mission. Do you think there is anypony left?” the Private looked down as he said this, he didn’t have his hopes up when it came to things like this. To be honest, he was in it for the bits. “I think we might be in over our heads on this one Yang. Nopony ever survives this long on their own without turning cannibal.” The words made him cringe, he thought back to his brother Slice n’ Dice who he had to kill after Slice ate his parents. They kept their heads down during the rest of the walk there.
Meanwhile in the sky, Jade was beside Ember while they were looking for anypony in the air. “So Brother, if we do find a survivor what do you think it will be? A mare, stallion or a little colt or filly?” He gave a small grin, Jade was more or less the comic relief of the group. He was the one to let his skills to do the talking when it came to combat, usually by taunting his opponent with his large list of quips and jokes. “Hopefully a kid. I’d rather save them… But they will need new homes.” Ember looked down, the red scaled dragon kept more to himself rather than talk. He liked to think of the different places that he had traveled to before he joined Jade in the army. While he was a timid drake, he loved nature as well as fire. He was deep in thought he caught sight of something. “Down there! I think I see somepony.” Jade nodded as he dived down to what Ember saw. “Ember you look for more I’ll check it out!” Ember gave a nod as he banked to the left. Jade landed with a cloud of dust near an almost complete building. “Hello?” the stallion lit up his horn and peered inside. “I’m from the Equestrian Military. I’m here to help any survivors in need of help…” He went through a narrow archway as he saw three fillies, starved and scared. He gave a slight smile as he pulled out a small piece of bread. One of them looked at him, confused. It was as If kindness was a completely foreign emotion to her. “It’s yours. If you want I can take you back to camp. There’s a lot more where that came from.” He sat down as he took off his sword and tossed it to the ground. The filly crawled up to him and took the bread, eating a small bit before giving it to the others.
While the Blond stallion was taking care of the fillies, Code Cracker and Yin Yang were entering the northern marketplace. The tech savvy stallion Code spoke up as the saw the destruction that lay before him. “Nothing could have survived this…” the place was almost completely black, with corpses and small flames everywhere. The stands and walls themselves were a black charred mess. “…Why did this have to happen?” Yin gulped, the acrid smell forming tears in his eyes. “Let’s get out of here.” He coughed as he turned to go back to the camp. Cal nodded in agreement as they went back the camp.
Ember was flying overhead when he spotted them, he decided to see if there was anything they needed. “Hey guys, what are you up to?” he said as he landed. Code spoke up. “We're on our way back to camp. Did you find anypony?” Ember gave a sigh as he looked up. “Jade is bringing them to camp.” The drake smiled as he saw the sun. At least there was somepony watching over his brother. Celestia wasn’t going to let her most promising guard unsupervised. “So the marketplace was a bust I take it?” Code nodded, his helmet sliding down and covering his eyes. “Blasted thing, I need to get this fitted. Hopefully this time I will get a blacksmith that knows how to fix stuff like this.” He sighed, the hired blacksmiths were mostly fakes that take the money the government gives them and get drunk. Ember and Yin were silent as they headed to the camp.
Jade was leading the three fillies back to the camp, half of his provisions eaten by the little foals. “Thank you, mister.” The tallest one said, she was teal with a black mane. “It’s nothing. I was just helping.” He smiled a bit, this job wasn’t pretty but it did have its moments when it seems worth it. “Sir what is your name?” the stallion looked at them. “I’m Jade Peace, what are your names?” the tallest one looked up at him. “I’m Folly, the short one is Mary and she is Lanfa.” Folly pointed a hoof at the others as she called them by name. Jade gave a slight nod. “It’s a pleasure to meet you all.” The three fillies smile back at him with an innocence that can only come from being a kid. They eventually arrive at camp. The entire place was filled with tents and supply crates scattered everywhere. “Well, here we are. Just look for somepony and they will get you what you need.” He turned to leave when one of them stared at him. “Where are you going Jade?” his ears flattened, he wanted this to be easy but innocence can get in the way of his job. “I’m going to look to see if there is anypony else who needs help. I’ll be back…” he was stopped by the sad look on their faces. “Mr. Jade please don’t leave,” Folly asked with a face that made jade’s heart melt. He couldn't leave them like this. “But if I don’t…” He gave a sigh, but there was no way they would let him leave. “Alright. I’ll have Ember cover for me.” The three fillies jumped with glee. “Yay! Thank you!” Folly, Mary, and Lanfa all ran up to him and hugged one of his hooves. Jade smiled, even though they are a hoof full he can’t just leave them all sad. “Let’s get you guys fed and a place to rest.”
After the three guards arrive at the camp they sit down near the refuge tents that were practically empty, and ate some of their provisions. “Jade should be back from getting the survivors by now.” Ember looked around at the camp as he ate. Jade to him was like a kid that always got into trouble, and it was up to him to make sure he is still alive. He chuckled as he took a sip of water, it was as if he was Jade’s dad. The red dragon looked up to see the blond stallion trotting towards Lieutenant Blade’s tent with three fillies on his back. Ember, curious as to why they were with him, got up and walked over to him. “Jade? Who are these three?” Jade looked at him. “This is Folly, Mary, and Lanfa.” They smiled at the dragon. “And why are you taking them to the Lieutenant?” Jade looked at them as Folly yawned. “I was going to ask if I can watch them until their parents arrive.” Ember nodded as he sighed. “Alright, but don’t you have a daughter?”
“Yeah but it wouldn’t hurt to take care of these three for a while.”
“And what if he says no and to get back to work?”
“Then I’ll take them with me.”
“You know that’s dangerous they could get hurt and it would be all you fault for putting them in harm’s way.”
“I’ll make sure that won’t happen.” Jade huffed as he walked away. “Mr. Jade, who was that?” he sighed and looks at them. “That was my brother Ember.” He saw his lieutenant and rushed to his side. “Sir, may I have your permission to take care of these three fillies until the parents find them?” Jade stared at the small fire pit behind Glinting. “Sure. But as soon as their parents find them, get back to work.” The stallion nodded as he trotted off to get the three fillies something better to eat, and something for himself.
“Yes, sir,” Jade said with a smile, the three little fillies jumped with joy as he took them to their tents. “Mr. Jade who was that pony you talked to?” asked Lanfa, her curiosity showing in her question. He looked at her, “That was my boss.” Lanfa nodded.
“Where are we going?”
“We are heading to the mess hall. Seeing as you three ate all my provisions.” He smiled as he walked into a large tent. As they entered Jade caught eye of a odd brown-ish stallion with a black mane. He had no idea where he came from but he could tell by how clean he was that he was not a refugee. “Ummm… Pardon me sir but what are you doing in here?” The stallion jumped and fell, hitting his head on a nearby table. He yelped from the pain and looked at Jade. “H-hello sir how are you today?” he gave a nervous smile as the alicorn approached him, his voice was filled with a thick British accent. “Answer the question or i will have to take you into custody.” The fillies got off his back and surrounded the brown stallion, messing with his mane. He quickly got up and fixed his hair, revealing his horn. “I am here to eat of course.” Jade sighed.
“And what is your name?”
“You can call me The Creator.”
“What kind of name is that?”
“The name of a very powerful individual sir.” The Creator bowed. “It's a pleasure to meet you Jade Alexander Peace.” Jade tilted his head. “How do you know my name?” the brown unicorn chuckled. “On my travels i have met many individuals that talk about your deeds sir. They talk about you silver tongue as well as your skill with a blade, about your magical ability… no… wait your magical ability is severely lacking… uhhh…. What else…?” Jade was confused, how could this stallion know everything about him… aside from the fact that he has a alicorn? “Oh right! I forgot your wife, where is she by the way?” The stallion winced as he looked down. “S-She died last year…” The Creator’s ears flattened, “Oh… s-sorry. I didn’t know about that…” Jade’s hoof cut him off, “It's alright… just don’t talk about her.”
After a rather confusing discussion with The Creator, he learned that he is a inter-dimensional traveler like himself.
“What worlds have you been to?” he asked, trying to see if there were any worlds that they both visited.
“I have been staying around this side of the multiverse. The few that interest me are MP-438 and MR-437. Rather small but quaint.”
“My favorite so far is AT-001.”
“Titans are interesting but are too dangerous for my tastes.”
The fillies were completely confused, Lanfa looked at Folly. “Do you have any idea what they are saying?
“I have absolutely no clue as to what they are saying.”
“-but an entire reality made of pie does sound good.” Jade said as he chuckled. He notice that the conversation was on a downward slope so he tried to pick it back up. “Have you studied the world made of single cell objects?”
“Rather interesting but easily overshadowed by a reality with no sentient life. But for some reason an entire world filled with cities and working infrastructure.”
“Still trying to figure that one out. I know that the multi-verse make everything random but to put a civilization then erase the people? Extremely odd.”
“Quite. Sometime we will have to head over there.”
“We shall.” he looked at the three fillies and shook his head, opening his wings. “All travel aside i must get going… could you look after these for me?” he gestured to the little ones.
“Certainly. It would be my pleasure.”
-End Of Part 1-
Thank you for reading and i hope you all have a great day
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