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by on May 29, 2019
The night hung high over the coastal city of New Kyoto, a deep, dark blue sky covering the vast neon lit metropolis like an ominous yet beautiful blanket, speckled with burning white stars and a hazy off white, almost yellowish moon. On the mountainous outskirts, a single set of headlights made their way up the narrow passage towards the peak of the towering snow capped mountain, the road winding and twisting like some sort of tarmac serpent. Leon sat at the wheel of the one vehicle he had bought with him on the ferry to New Kyoto, a gorgeous candy red Chevrolet Nomad, low to the ground on a set of billet steel wheels, thick white wall tires accentuating the wheels and bringing even more of a shine to the paintwork, slumped inside on the large front bench seat with his left hoof out the open window, letting the column shifter do it's thing as he cruised towards the summit at a very gentle pace. To be honest, he dreaded what was waiting for him at the top, a place he never thought he would visit again in his lifetime but he needed to be here, needed to do this. After about thirty minutes, the Nomad crested the final hill and Leon parked up in a small dirt parking lot, putting the vehicle into park, pulling the parking brake and shutting the rumbling engine off. He rested his head on the steering wheel, taking a few deep breaths and preparing himself, before slipping the keys into his pocket and grabbing the set of roses he had bought prior to coming here, stepping out and shutting the door behind him, before passing through a tall wooden gate. He made his way through what seemed like an ocean of headstones, most inscribed in Kanji, but some other languages were visible if one were to look hard enough. Leon made his way through it all, until he saw it, the headstone he was looking for, a large solitary stone built into a concrete overhang with a beautiful view of the neon lit city in front of them with the name 'Tracy Tzu' and the dates '1939-1973'. It really had been thirteen years since her passing hadn't it? The shire slowly knelt down in front of the headstone and rested the bouquet of roses in his hoof in down in front of it, taking a few deep breaths as he bowed his head.
"Hey Tracy...Bet you didn't think you'd see me here again did you? Well, I certainly didn't." Leon spoke softly as a misty rain gently began to fall on the graveyard. "How long has it been babe? Eleven years now, right? God, I'm sorry I haven't visited much I...I had a lot on my plate...Anyway, I came to tell you that I'm coming to you real soon. I know I promised I wouldn't let fate command me anymore but...T-This isn't something I can run from anymore..." He mumbled as his lower lip began to tremble. "...Those fuckers at the department who did this to me, lied to me just so they could wipe out the Shikashi family in Neo-Canterlot, they...The Yakuza had nothing to do with what happened. They didn't take you or Stella from me, but I still went and cut them down like they were nothing more than killers...I'm going to them after this, to offer them my life, my head on a silver platter, that's-that's the only way I can make amends for what I did..." He murmured quietly as he grit his teeth, a few tears beginning to stream down his face as he did. "...I sometimes wonder what life would be like if they didn't want me...How good it could have been if you were still here, if Stella wasn't taken and life just went by as normal...All I can do is dream and fantasize about it, and that's-.....That's what makes it hurt most!"
Leon leaned forward and wrapped his large metal arms around the headstone, hugging it tightly as he rested his forehead on it, beginning to weep and letting out cries of despair as he did. Being here, with Tracy was really affecting him, he wasn't usually one to get emotional, but to know that underneath him was his once wife, the mare whose killing and his attempted killing set him on the blood soaked path he walked to this very day, it was breaking his heart. After about ten minutes of weeping, Leon finally managed to regain some level of composure as he pulled himself away from the headstone. "I wonder if you waited...Looked down on me to see what I've done over the years...What the hell would you think of me if you did?" He asked quietly as he reached into his jacket pocket, opening his wallet and taking a small laminated photo of himself, Tracy and Stella all sat on the hood of a pale yellow Mustang Boss 302, the car that would eventually serve as the base for his Interceptor, Sinner, and a small glob of blue tack, sticking it to the headstone and gently caressing it with one of his large metal hooves. He mustered the strength to stand up, looking over the headstone and taking a few deep breaths. "I-I'm going now Tracy...Going to repent for all I've done...I'll be seeing you soon babe..." Leon finished softly as he leaned down and placed a kiss on the headstone, before turning away and wiping some tears away with the sleeve of his jacket, leaving the rain soaked roses and photograph to gently be washed away by the breeze. This was it, fate had thrown him a hand he couldn't work with anymore. All he could so was accept it, and say a somber final farewell...