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Misty Nights (PR)
by on June 5, 2019
Hey Users! Ever had an idea for CA? Maybe an Event? What about an Activity? Or even a subscription feature!? Now's your chance to tell us! Staff has been trying to make fun new features for the users, but we need your help to know what things you might actually want! After all, the site is not just for staff, it’s for all of us and we aren't mind readers, Ha Ha. If you've had an idea in mind about something you might like to see here, we want you to leave a comment about it! Remember to be friendly, suggest ideas within the rules, and be reasonable. Keep it fun, feel free to combine ideas, and converse. This is YOUR chance to come up with potential ideas for Canterlot Avenue!
If we see anything spiraling out of control or any violation our rules, we will have to remove it. Please keep it clean and feel free to have fun with it.
Topics: new features, ideas
9 people like this.
Acry Weaver (Inactive)
I really disagree with using activity points for 'commissions'/trading in for art. This place isn't like DeviantArt ^^; Spending the points on, for example, pre-made special emotes or fun little gifts to send to friends however, is far more preferable!
Like June 6, 2019 Edited
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Post the heart eyes one tooooooo
Like June 7, 2019
Princess Neon Synthwave
I think emotes could be fun actually
Like June 7, 2019
Nya~ probs to Próba <3
Like June 7, 2019
Maxh Vezpyre
If the opportunity presents itself sometime, for artist to make lil' small things into a big store, I'll personally make some emotes, or shiny animated foods / accessories / emotes. To be spent by anybody for activity points.
Like June 7, 2019
Alex 'Ray' Razor (Inactive account)
So On The Whole Activity Points Topic, Why Not Use Them Like On Previous Sites To Buy Gifts To Send To People? It's A Bit Of A Dead Feature At This Point But I Think It Would Stop The Arguing And Give An Incentive To Spend The Points.
Like June 7, 2019 Edited
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Alex 'Ray' Razor (Inactive account)
Because I Am Very OCD About The Way I Type On Here Good Sir.
Like June 7, 2019
Silver Shield
Like June 7, 2019
Alex 'Ray' Razor (Inactive account)
I Don’t Get What You’re Getting At Here Honestly, Sorry?
Like June 7, 2019 Edited
Butterscotch Ormand
(Sorry for commenting multiple times). A very low priority feature I would like to see is added functionality to the quizzes. Since most quizzes users make are compatibility tests, it might be nice to have the ability for the creator to assign points to different answers instead of having only one a... View More
Like June 8, 2019