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by on June 9, 2019
Okay, so, I have discovered that I have a type of character that I love!
The Anxious Bois and Gorls.
Sasha probably knows one of the bois imma bout to talk about. Cuz he's from Warriors.
Alderheart. He's a medicine cat, he's always questioning if he's making the right decision, if hes doing the right thing, if it's the right herb or medicine to use to fix the injury and /I FUCKING LOVE MY ANXIOUS BOI OMG/
There's this dude in Legally Blonde who's nervous and anxious and I love himmm...
There's Dolly, my precious anxiety thicc babe.
And then there's Alphys from Undertale who's so fucking nervous and she loves anime and and and aaahhhhhh
I just /love/ the anxious characters for some reason! They're just so cute and cuddly and I just want them all!
I also love the grumpy babes. Like Jayfeather. To quote Alderheart, "Its like he /enjoys/ being the grumpiest cat in the Clan!" He's just so surly. But, he'll have a few... /VERY RARE/ moments of affection. But those are very rare.
I also love Briarlight. She's just so fucking sweet! She's so nice to Twigkit/Twigpaw, especially when Violetkit/Violetpaw gets taken to ShadowClan.
Oh. And fuck Onestar. Sure, he /kind of/ made up for his mistakes by giving himself up and killing Darktail (and himself). BUT HE PRACTICALLY SENTENCED A CLAN TO DIE, BECAUSE OF HIS OWN FUCKING MISTAKES. HE ALMOST LET A /KIT/ DIE. UGHH HE MAKES ME SO MAD. But, I do hope he went to StarClan. He was a good cat at the end of the day, he just... Made a lot of mistakes...
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