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Princess Neon Synthwave
by on June 26, 2019
The new world consists of Artemis city (Crystal Empire), Solaris city (Manehattan), Avian City (Cloudsdale) and Elysium (the new capital). Each city is built for certain tasks. Artemis city is built for mining the resource that powers everything, Solaris city is the primary city for manufacturing of machinery and weaponry, Avian City makes the weather work depending on the situation (big surprise) and Elysium is the capital that runs the new world. It is easily the most advanced with its size easily being that of a small province. It is a metropolis at its core. Towers stretch into the sky for what seem like miles. It is also the most protected to the point of near isolation. Walls surround the city with guards holding off the entrances. If anyone dares try to enter without permission, they get killed.