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by on July 17, 2019
Dendrite does a huge yawn as she pulls herself out of her sleep. She doesn't know what time it is, or care, really, but she had one of those sleeps so good she doesn't even know what year it is, let alone what she was doing when she fell asleep...
...although the white mare with a rainbow mane next to her quickly explains what she had been doing, as Dendrite flattens her ears. Oh. That...was unexpected? Now she remembers. Her and Persona had fallen asleep talking about their different powers...she probably fell asleep first, and...Persona hadn't left? Or moved her? She just let her lay there...
She eyes the mare as she remembers her big sister. She'd been repressing it but a feeling of longing overtook her. She and Synapse used to sleep together like this, falling asleep in the same bed watching a movie....before her sister left to go to college...her heart ached with longing, missing those times...
Persona stirs, as she too wakes, yawning. Her gold eyes look around before falling on Dendrite, before booping her nose. "Still here huh?"
Dendrite's ears just flatten as she lowers her gaze. "Yeah..."
"...watcha glum about lady? You got it pretty good here you know. Well guess we both do now..." She says as she eyes the window.
" I miss some of my family..." Dendrite says in a small voice.
"Parents?" Persona says as she stretches, eyeing the odd red cuff on her forehoof.
As if Percy said a bad word, Dendrite hisses. "NOooooo...not them. Never them. Screw my parents. They don't deserve me back. Ever." she shakes her head.
"Whoa...that's a lot of hatred there gurl. What did they DO....?" Persona says as she crosses her forelegs, eyeing the grape-colored mare.
".....they....unf." she huffs as she starts, shaking her head. "....both mom and dad are...famous doctors...people expected me and my big sister to be prodigies...they got more than they expected." she says as she shifts to a more comfortable spot. "Both of use ended up being really powerful psions-like, I can move a building, you know-but she was like...ugh. accepted to some fancy institute in Manehattan that studies strong individuals. Often unicorns, but sometimes other races too..."
Persona just listens raptly to this. She doesn't have a very interesting family history so...
"Sis...was happy being adored wanted to make an actual difference in the world so she started this group with four other people in the institute called the Fetlock Five...they were real-life superheroes, actually fought crime and did cool stuff..." she shakes her head. "I wanted to do that. I wanted that to be me. I hoped to join them someday....but...that all went to hell." she slowly shakes her head more. "...some...accident happened...and my sister disappeared, and all her teammates died...after that, mom and dad wouldn't let me go to the institute. Hell, wouldn't let me go to any college...or leave the was paranoia at its finest..."
"Dude, you parents sound like assholes..." Persona says in shock. Granted, her parents had their lives and rules lightened up when the earth got attacked, but they were still never THAT controlling...
"Yeah. That's why I started sneaking out...and one night I met Drago!" she beams. "He was way nicer than my parents...and saw that I had potential...!" she nods.
"...and the vampire part? Is he going to ask me to become one too?" Persona says apprehensively.
"No idea, but I wanted it. I was never as good as my bet at am!" she says with a wicked grin. "I'm sure he's not going to force it on you obviously...but he might ask...."
Persona nods as she looks out the window. " parents are here too...just...they don't know me yet I don't think. I don't know. Tink says I wasn't even born in this timeline yet." she sighs softly.
"Who's Tink?" Dendrite queries with a blink.
"Mmmmm some lady I knew that brought me back here. We were both from the other Earth...she traveled back here to find her family...found her dad I think...he understood what happened. Me...I got no one."
Dendrite just uses her magic to scoot Persona close and wrap her in a hug. "You have people now. Me and Drago are here for us. You don't need to go anywhere else."
Persona just...slowly leans against the other mare, pressing her head against Dendrite's. "I don't...I'm right where I am supposed to be...finally...