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Zelda Burks
.Post in Gold Hoarder
Bible Is the holly book, the book which have the knowledge of the whole world. The book is the downloaded copy which is available in the online market. The explain the every context which is describes in the bible in an elaborate way.
.Post in OC Critic/Rate My OC Thread
<p>List of oc's:</p> <p>Yoshim<br /><br /> Male Earth pony</p> <p>Lucius<br /><br /> Male Lucretiar (dragon subspecies not made by me)</p> <p>Ralph<br /><br /> Male Diamond Dog</p> <p>Mark<br /><br /> Male Unicorn</p> <p>Rouge<br /><br /> Male Changeling</p> <p>Torpid<br /><br /> Male Unicorn</p> <p>Max<br /><br /> Male Changeling</p> <p>Summer Breeze<br /><br /> Female Pegasus</p>
Starlit Spackle
.Post in Spackle's OC Rating Thread
There you go, two posts on the same day. I spoil you guys too much. Time to go to sleep and wake up 9 months later. Fuck off. Close your brackets you absolute MONSTER Black’s a shade so your statement is redundant. God that scarf makes you look 11 shades of hipster smug and I hate it. I’m going to put exactly as much effort as you put into your description into my response. CUTIE MARK Holy shit you *are* hipster smug. CUTIE MARK STORY What situation caused him to have a concert? How did his parent’s upbringing motivate him to take up music? What sort of person was his uncle, and why did he have a stratocaster? Also I’d like to point out that the stratocaster design is so overused at this point it’s the pumpkin spice of string instruments. Fucking basic. PERSONALITY For someone who talks so much and has talked so much throughout his entire life you think he’d be smart enough to fix the retard link between brain and mouth. I’d also suggest using a word other than hyperactive because it gives the incorrect connotation. Restless would probably be better. So basically, he’s like 78% of the population? I don’t give a shit about this, tell me something interesting. LIKES Fuck off with the lists and give me some details. DISLIKES Again, fuck your lists tell me something I actually give a shit about. Fuck you tuning bagpipes is amazing. SKILLS How come it’s taken you this long to mention that you build your own instruments? That’s the first part of this character I actually cared about and want to see more of. Build on this. DETAILED HISTORY So I pronounced this in my head uncomfortably close to Shelob and now I can’t stop thinking your character’s a spider. Thanks. So I get it. Doing an obscure blue collar job and making a living out of it is romantic, expecially when you combine it with the small humble hut trope. But holy fuck please make it realistic. Do they literally only repair this shit? How do they get enough business to support themselves? Can’t they sell instruments as well? Can’t they be a dealer and have shit going on with orchestras? Contracts? You know, actually interesting details? My definition and your definition of decently is different. Specify. Don’t use measurements because that’s dumb. So the northern town actually gets stuff done and the southern part is full of liberal arts majors that don’t contribute to the economy in any tangible way? What a nerd. Good thing he doesn’t live on earth otherwise the culture’d be coming to him. I, too, can learn to repair ancient instruments that I’ve never seen before in my life while I’m on vacation and spontaneously decide to immigrate there. Business back in the mining town must have been absolute shit. But then how did they get enough money to go on a vacation? Did I just stumble into Rian Johnson’s mind? ---- The rest of your description is so boring and by the numbers I didn’t finish reading it. Nothing is interesting, you’re just telling me what happened. None of this is giving me any information on who your character is, or why they do what they do. I couldn’t give a shit what brand of bullshit martial art you decide to do, I want to know why it’s important to you. I wanna know what led up to him being an instructor. I don’t give a fuck what he’s an instructor of I wanna know why he did it. Physical Attributes: 3 Psychological Attributes: 2 Historical Attributes: 2 Unity: 1 No extra points. Total: 8 Verdict: Requires immediate incineration TLDR: If San Francisco was an OC. With approximately 100% less obnoxious homosexuality.