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Zelda Burks
.Post in Gold Hoarder
Bible Is the holly book, the book which have the knowledge of the whole world. The book is the downloaded copy which is available in the online market. The explain the every context which is describes in the bible in an elaborate way.
.Post in OC Critic/Rate My OC Thread
<p>List of oc's:</p> <p>Yoshim<br /><br /> Male Earth pony</p> <p>Lucius<br /><br /> Male Lucretiar (dragon subspecies not made by me)</p> <p>Ralph<br /><br /> Male Diamond Dog</p> <p>Mark<br /><br /> Male Unicorn</p> <p>Rouge<br /><br /> Male Changeling</p> <p>Torpid<br /><br /> Male Unicorn</p> <p>Max<br /><br /> Male Changeling</p> <p>Summer Breeze<br /><br /> Female Pegasus</p>
Starlit Spackle
.Post in Spackle's OC Rating Thread
Yellow body, red hair seems to be in these days. Also it’s not Scarlet/Crimson, it’s Vermillion and fucking red. If you’re not going to get the colour names right - at least use the hex codes so that the rest of the world actually understands your ghetto Crystal Pony vernacular. Otherwise, good drawing. OH BOY THIS IS A DOOSY FUCKING 1 PAGE OF BACKSTORY HERE WE GO BOYS AND… well lets be honest, there are no girls here. This is the internet after all. First of all Fuck that name. It took me like 7 tries and I still can’t say it properly. In the US approximately 40-50% of marriages end in divorce, so WELCOME TO THE FUCKING CLUB. Ok, so Iceland has an issue similar to this. Being that it’s a tiny island out in the middle of nowhere that’s literally the first choice for film-makers who want a set that doesn’t look like it exists on Earth - nobody but masochists and video-game nerds want to live there. The population right now is about 350k people, among which probably 20k are their goats that they just add onto the population so that they don’t feel so lonely. They have an app on their phones similar to Tinder that allows them to check if they are related to someone they’re dating. However, this is mostly just because the societal standards of other places with more people spill over. Scientifically speaking, there’s no significant increased risk of genetic issues arising in offspring to two people who are second cousins. Even first cousins, depending on their family’s genetic history, will not have too much issue. A rule of thumb is that the risk of defect in children doubles for first-cousin relations. The default rate with no family history of genetic defects is 4%, so it’s not a whole lot of an issue. So basically fuck your Crystal Ponies, they should know better. They’ve had a population smaller than what it is now, and they’ve had to deal with this problem already. They wouldn’t have made the idea taboo because they know it may be necessary to procreate with relatives… just not immediate or secondary. They also would have developed safeguards, tests, and councilling to partners who are forced to enter into this kind of union. This is giving me a lot of hippie new age vibes, and I don’t like it at all. If you end up wanting to make your parents Narcissists, your character would be the narcissist parent’s Scapegoat Child. Gettin all Alexei up in this bitch. Also I need everyone to appreciate modern medicine more, because had the parents sought the counsel of a trained family planner - they would have realized offspring’s a bad idea for them in particular, and saved me the trouble of having to review 2 fucking pages of fucking backstory fuck. This is called Child Neglect Resulting in Death and is punishable for up to 5 years in Canada (if the child is older than 12 but younger than 16), or up to 15 years in many states in the US. It could also be tried as first degree murder. I find it really hard to congratulate you for fuelling your victim complex by painting your parents as murderers, as you’ve literally taken every possible opportunity to sabotage your character’s ability to not kill herself. Which I’m honestly not against, because this has been nothing but a bore since the first paragraph. This is a good example of over-villainization which has stolen your character’s relatability. I’ll take trauma induced psychosis for 200, Alex. See, I can’t take this seriously because the only thing I see here is that stupid bitch of a villain from the shit Indiana movie asking the alien to show her ‘everything’. What’s lacking here is the spontaneous combustion to save me from this character. Religious symbolism? Check. Miraculous power under the control of a child. Check. Setting for unimaginative revenge plot established. Proceed with shit power fantasy at ¼ impulse power. What is this, Ready Player One? That book was shit, and the only redeeming part of the movie is going to be the single scene where the Iron Giant is kicking ass. Can you take back your backstory instead? I have enough victim complex from Tumblr, I don’t need it here too. CUTIE MARK Good simple cutie mark. Me likes. CUTIE MARK STORY Shit cutie mark story. Me don’t likes. Seriously WTF? She got her fucking cutie mark from DEFLECTING BLAME TO SOMEONE ELSE? AHAHAHAHAAAHAHA Fuck if there’s anyone who missed the central theme of MLP’s cutie marks, I think you’ve taken the cake. Now, here’s the thing. MLP cutie marks are a representation of a character’s central personality trait. What they hold most dear. Ie. Pinkie Pie = laughter, because what she holds most dear is that her friends are always happy. Twilight Spackle is Magic because she values knowledge and her entire childhood was consumed with the pursuit of such. Your cutie mark is a diamond, which would represent wealth, beauty, compressed carbon, whateverthefuck. It is not representative of a personal inability to take blame. IMHO the term ‘Special Talent’ is extremely misleading, as talent is simply opportunity + practice. A person who plays piano for 6 hours a day or has high class instruction is going to naturally get better, giving the illusion of talent. A single act cannot and should not ever represent a character. These are what we call 1 dimensional characters. There is also nothing in your backstory that makes it clear to the reader that your character’s personality hinges on their skill at deflecting blame. You just told us you have shit parents and shit writing skill, not anything related to what your cutie mark’s about. It just came out of nowhere. Shit. PERSONALITY Hurr hurr ima smart sociopath look at me, hurr hurr. Fuck. This is terrible. There’s no such thing as sociopathic tendencies. Everyone has times where they’re sociopathic, or psychotic, or whatever. Life isn’t a fucking label-factory. Say it as it is: You are selfish, and care little for the suffering/fates of others. Don’t use the clinical term if you’re not going to be clinical. LIKES Why poetry? Why debate? This isn’t mentioned anywhere else. DISLIKES These are absolute shit dislikes. What part of liberals do you hate? What part of anarchists do you hate? Right now your dislikes are blind hate. Blind hate is not compelling in a character, it’s eye-roll inducing. You don’t hate someone or something simply for it existing - you hate it because you disagree with some part of it. You don’t hate a race just for existing - that’s called racism. If you hate a particular part of the race, then you’re starting to form logical arguments. Whether your argument is logical in the end, completely depends on the situation. SKILLS No evidence of the silver tongue, I call bullshit. I’m going to be honest, at this point I don’t really give a fuck about this character. DETAILED HISTORY I can’t pin down exactly why this is so offensive to the character. She’s painted as a selfish hedonist, however her tone changes at the whim of this god. What does she get out of this? She does not gain pleasure from the fates of others - as you said, she has sociopathic tendencies. One sin removed for femdom Good. Finally the character is growing beyond the atrocities of her parents and is able to reclaim a somewhat reasonable - This entire character really is just an outlet for your torture fetish, isn’t it? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I DON’T KNOW WHAT’S FUNNIER, THE FACT THAT YOU’RE TREATING YOUR FEMALE CHARACTER LIKE A SEXUAL OBJECT OR… HOW FUCKING DUMB SHE IS FOR EVEN TRYING! HOLY FUCK. Let me just remind you what primary character traits this character supposedly has: Sharp wit, highly intelligent, silver tongue. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH Just because you made a complex sentence, does not mean that your second clause can be a sentence fragment. Complete the thought. They reported what? Are they reporting the caveat? If so - there is no reason for this sentence to be inverted. And instantly I want this character to be the daughter instead of the mother. Ironic, as the mother was never able to truly become free from her parent’s own abuse. Fuck this was horrible. Physical Attributes: 4 Psychological Attributes: 1 Historical Attributes: 1 Unity: 1 No extra points. Honestly kind of tempted to straight up remove a point for having a relationship with a canon character. That shit’s no bueno. Total: 7 Verdict: Requires immediate incineration. TLDR; Someone’s torture porn power fantasy somehow got good art drawn for it. Is basically SAO in pony form, but somehow has even less redeeming qualities. The Who What When and Where are worldbuilding. The Why is writing. Don’t focus on the setting, focus on the characters motivations. My method for defining an action taken by a character is thus: Action = Opportunity + Means + Motivation + Catalyst. Action: What the character wants to take place. The pony wants to go to the store to buy something. Opportunity: The ability for a character to do the action, without being held back by other factors. The store is within walking distance, and there are no barriers to entry. Means: The items that are required to complete the action. The pony has enough money to buy the item, and there are no other costs. Motivation: What exists to make the character want to perform the action. The pony is hungry and wants an ice cream sandwich. Catalyst: An external factor that engages the pony to complete the action. The pony’s child is also hungry. IMHO the most important part is the catalyst. The catalyst is what gives importance to the action for something other than the character’s own will to do it. It is mandatory. Example: Luke and Obi-Wan want to go to Alderaan. Action: Go to Alderaan Opportunity: His aunt and uncle are dead, his friends are gone. Means: He can sell his speeder for passage, Obi-Wan can protect and guide him. Motivation: He seeks adventure outside his moisture farm. Catalyst: His blood ties to the Jedi. “I want to become a Jedi like my Father.”
I ran a thread just like this one years ago. I ran it for a long while. A good portion of the characters that were submitted were alicorns, and they were so abhorrently done that - for this thread, I'm not even entertaining the thought. Seriously, out of the roughly two dozen submissions I got early on in that thread's lifespan - somewhere around 8 were straight alicorns. If the hard drive I kept the submissions on didn't die a deserved death, I'd show you as proof of point. See above: If you really want to show me up for my racism, submit one under the 'Other' category. Since this site is apparently super anal about their Alicorn OC's, I'll accept them for a very short duration.
Oh my god. You realize that a humorous statement doesn't need to be inherantly false to be humorous? I ran into an unreasonable amount of shit Alicorn OCs. So I stopped accepting alicorn OCs. To put this point across, I informally stated the above, banning Alicorn submissions with a quip about them being garbage. Either enjoy the humour, or don't. Since you're choosing to not enjoy the humour, your sense of humour is now also garbage just like 90% of the alicorn OCs that exist. That was a joke.
Alicorns are not shitty just because they're alicorns. Alicorn OCs are shitty because they're made by people who have little to no experience making characters, and aren't paid to make them. Alicorns are a special case scenario. They're a significant development or character in any plotline/story/clopfic. Or at least they should be. IMHO Alicorns are best used as if they were a Starbucks - nice every once in a while for the right reasons, but shit when you can't drive more than 10m without hitting another one.