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For this week's event I'd like to contribute not with demons (even though I really like their lore) but with the Wendigo. The Wendigo lore originated from North America, for anybody who doesn't know what this monster is all about, well he likes to eat people, inhabits North America's dense forests and has been described in various ways but the one I'm familiar with has the appearance of a decaying creature that stands in two legs and looks somewhat human but has big antlers or sometimes the entire decaying head of a deer/moose for a head. Wendigo's hunger -much like my own- is insatiable and can only be satisfied by human flesh. I like the Wendigo tale because it has been described as a monster but also as a spirit that is able to possess people into committing cannibalism, which I find to be a lot easily to bring into reality and for that reason I think it is scarier but also incredibly interesting. There have been cases, particularly during winter where it snows heavily and food can become scarce, that people have found themselves in dire situations -because of the aforementioned crude winter seasons- and have resorted to forms of cannibalism and it could be attributed to this monster.
My favorite sort of horror monster would have to be the cliché zombie. Zombies have been depicted within all sorts of different media and never fail to guage my interest, no matter how heavily referenced they are in so many different representations. The zombie survival types of games or shows out there tend to grab my attention more often than others. Such as, Telltale's The Walking Dead. Another one would be the title, The Last Of Us, which isn't actually about zombies, but the idea is similar. The concept of an undead human being with the sole intent on killing other human beings and eating them is actually a very disturbing thought. Yet for some reason, they draw me in every time.
Skinwalkers! I don't really know that much about that except for the fact that one of the descriptions of them sort of describes 'em as a were-creature of sorts - mostly humans that then have become able to shapeshift into different creatures with malicious purposes. In the Navajo culture, they're called witches! Still a monster to me. My personal take on them is that they're malevolent beings that take form of an animal through the skeletal remains, then appearing as just part of nature until they manage to find a worthy victim to finally latch onto. oh and did i mention it's supposedly taboo to talk about them, yeah don't do that please
It's been said many times before, but I really like vampires. Any type of vampires, even Twilight. (Don't @me.) My all time favorites are from Anne Rice's universe with Louis and Lestat. I would watch Interview With the Vampire everynight, and I loved watching Queen of the Damned with my mom. The books are enthralling, and her flavor of vampire is my favorite. Other than vampires I like witches. I don't know if they're really considered a "monster", but they're spooky and cool.